Separate names with a comma.
dont talk about the curse...
i passed a prius today on the highway and the rear bumper on it looked like it was about to fly off
Well as the saying goes you are what you eat. jk Luv
the Z up top is borderline rice with those "vents". i wouldn't call the scion rice but the accord and the neon yes.
the first thing i looked at wasnt the hood design but rather the wheel lifting up.
my freedom starts when i move into my dorm next saturday
i think i might have passed you on route 117 today.
what are those? 235?
PL is Project Lancer which is another lancer group. are you the yellow OZ driving in the area?
what up. im from ledyard. we got a few other ct people on here as well as PL (Project Lancer).
^ true. The dealership and warranty doesn't cover jack.
might be the one at my school. seen it in the parking garage a few times.
do it right or just don't do it at all.
yo HUNK i just came from there and i most of what i saw were trucks and SUVs riding high with HUGE rims and those stick on side flares.
Right now im in New Orleans aka The Big Easy. Been here for a few days and for the next week or so to do relief work. So far on this trip I...
bad things always happen to the best of us. even though this has happened, you are still one of us and we'll be here if needed
yo Ranger026 if you get this before thursday night call my cell or PM me.
if im cruising and not stomping on the gas i get between 28-31. Going from CT to VA Beach for the meet I was getting 32 mpg at one point for a...
whats your secret lol
clean that lancer up! we're you diong a rally event or something?