Separate names with a comma.
Thank guys.... prophet you can access theirs stuff at
Ill nominate serious08.. i think he is doing a great job on his car and its gonna be a beast when its done.
thanks guys... thanks beautiful :) [chelle]
Re: SeRious08's Projects Really? if that would be me, i would start at 6am one day and nobody goes to bed till i am boostin! lol we did a...
Thanks man.. your car kicks ass too :)
lol yea... thank you very much... all the cars nominated where awesome
Re: SeRious08's Projects Damn man, wish you were close to us to hook you up with our lift tools and dyno :(
You need a Relay Harness... Most HID retailers have them... you can even google "HID Relay Harness" and you will get what you need.... it is...
its fine... technically it does make a difference in the SPL, but you will not notice it at all....
man i wish i had an aftermarket headunit. i am hitting extremly hard with JBLs but i could be hitting way harder.... OEM HU ftl...
^^^ [img]
team lady fuel is a local all girl car club... they go around and show their cars AND model lol
That is very true... i was in the train of thought that his car is payed off like a lot of us... thanks for being an asshole, as always.
Re: Vote for the next Featured Ride!!!! PROGRESS REPORT UPDATED! :D Good Luck Guys...
I got my angel eyes from AutoMoGLOW :D More pictures.... [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] :D
did you ask the lady what drugs was she using? In my opinion, she didnt know crap about the car, and for all she cares [or knows] they are 2...
No No No theres a lot of mis information here.. first of all, are you talking about the blinker or the lil one in the outside corner of the...