Separate names with a comma.
i got an auto starter on my car and if i get it re program will it affect my auto starter? as well if i remove my chip from my old key and put...
hey guys i got a key recut and it turns on the car like the lights and stuff but not the engine is there a reason why? could it be the key?
hey guys just wondering if its a good idea to wash your car in the winter? i heard from my brother he said the salt will eat away at my car if i...
true true o well you cant notice it spent some time to fix it up
hahaha i agree with that
hahaha nice man stupid people should learn how to park if u cant park in the spot dont try you know what i mean if i think i cant fit my car in...
what track is that u went 2?
haha ha dam too bad im at work and cant watch youtube ill do it once i get home!
hahaha thats funny man im pissed cuz of it i should key my neighbour car now
yeah i have the touch up pen dont really like it looks a bit ghetto
i still have like some rough edges from the scratch from the stupid idiot
yeah i use this conpound i got from canadian tire works great i think its turtle something but like roughed up scartched paint dont know if that...
man stupid people should learn how to park! i swear my neighhbour hit my car and Scratch it how can i fit it kinda bad