WTT Trunk with small wing for Wingless Trunk

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Hella, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. Hella

    Hella Member

    Like the topic says im looking to trade my Black Evo Trunk and small Wing for a lancer Trunk without any holes. The trunk and wing i have are in good contiontion. Must be a Black trunk. I am in PA. FYI
  2. Hella

    Hella Member

  3. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    just take your wing off and fil in the holes and get it painted. it doesnt cost that much, lol

    or get a cf trunk lid like i did, cuz it doesnt really make sense for anyone to get the same trunk with the same spoiler, lol

    evo x with small spoiler = gts
  4. Hella

    Hella Member

    It wouldnt be the same trunk :p there are lancers with no wing at all that havent been drilled. so, if they would want a trunk with a wing this would be a free mod for them as well for me since i do not want a wing. and CF trunks are a waste of money. lol
  5. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    cf trunk a waist of money, LMAO......taking off a trunk and trading it just for a spoiler is a waist of time. the trunks are exactlly the same and the spoiler is the same as the gts or es sport spoiler. makes no sense at all to take apart your trunk to trade just to have a spoiler. plus imo, the car looks better without the spoiler. thats why i took mine off, got the cf trunk and cf trunk lip.
  6. Hella

    Hella Member

    LOL I am not looking for a spoiler I am looking for someone who has a lancer trunk that has no holes drilled in it that would like to swap since i do not want a wing and i do not want to waste money filling in holes on a trunk. If i need to go into details of power to weight ratios and show you that wasting 608 dollars on a carbon fiber trunk is stupid i will gladly do that. What I am looking to do takes all of 15 minutes to swap trunks with a Lancer that has no holes no wing for my trunk and wing. you say " Plus imo, the car looks better without a spoiler " i feel the same. I think you think that i am looking to trade for a wing that is exactlly the same which is yes retarted. LOL. But that is not what is being done here what is being done is i am offering someone out there that likes the small wing but dosent want to spend the money buying it to make a straight up trade for trunks which would eliminate my hole problem and in turn give someone a free spoiler.
  7. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    LMAO, i know exactlly what you mean and want. i am saying it is stupid for the person to go through all the hasle of taken of their trunk to get a spoiler. may take 15 min, but then another 15 min to put it back on and then maybe even longer to align it correctlly and all this for what, someone to get a spoiler and you to get a hole free trunk, LMAO.....waist of time if you ask me.

    just to let you know, cf trunk is more than just a weight lose, its also looks good for those who like the cf look. $608 is not alot at all when there are cf trunk lids for over $1,000.

    and power to weight ratio, LMAO.....dude, you are not going to save 100+ lbs by getting a cf trunk and your def. not going to gain any power, LMAO.....so you can keep your power to weight ratio to yourself, i dont think anyone cares about that, LMAO

    but good luck finding someone to waist their time to add a spoiler to their car, LMAO
  8. Eric1180

    Eric1180 Active Member

    i understand what you are doining and would like to do it myself i want to trade my red gts trunk with wing for a red wingless trunk
  9. Hella

    Hella Member

    So what your saying is im dumb for wasting time to align and swap a trunk but your not because you spent 600 dollars on a trunk that in turn you still had to allign and get no benefit from lol. Great logic buddy. And i do know how much weight savigs it will be :p 15 lbs which converts to about a 1 hp savings to weight. So look good all you want with your cf trunk id find a better use for 600 bucks personally :D
  10. Hella

    Hella Member

    If i run into any red wingless along the way Ill shoot you a pm if you havent found one to trade with already. Nice to find someone that understands the logic :D
  11. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    i know what he is saying too, im saying no one is going to do it. no one is going to waist their time and trade trunks just to get a spoiler. especially when everyone thinks the car looks better without a spoiler. i know people with spoilers want a wingless trunk, but no one else wants the spoiler, LMAO. thats why i said good luck trying to find someone willing to do all that for a spoiler.

    and for the other stupid remarks, i spent my money on a cf trunk cuz i got hit in the back and needed to buy a trunk anyways. 2. this was way back when mitsubishi had a back order on trunks and VIS was the first one to come out with the cf trunk, so i made a deal with them for the first one and i got it.

    so im not stupid for coming up on a cf trunk lid and i do have great logic. maybe you should of had some great logic in buying a wingless evo buddy :D
  12. Hella

    Hella Member

    lol evos dont come wingless :p the new MRs come with a lip wing. But whatever man. To each his own and you never know there may be someone out there that wants a wing who is wingless no hurt in trying and why should i pay for a paint job or CF trunk when there is no need. Like i said ill find better ways to spend 600 bucks and ill keep my low wing untill an opportunity arises to swap till then ill go FP Red for a few hundred more.
  13. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    evo's dont come without a spoiler, then you say the new MR's do......lmao, can someone say contradiction???....lol. but yeah spend your $600 anyway you want and try and get someone to do a bunch of crap just for a spoiler, like you said, to each is its own....lol.

    but here are the reasons why you should pay for a paint job or cf trunk......well seems like your a hater on cf trunks, so no need to explain anything there. pay for a paint job cuz your the one who wants the take off your spoiler and not have holes, or learn how to do it yourself. imo, sounds like your either a cheap ass or lazy......but thats just my opinion.

    so good luck with your search to trade, LMAO
  14. Hella

    Hella Member

    I said they dont come without a wing the MRs come with a lip, Which means this is the closest to wingless :p man you obviously cant comprehend what you are reading LOL.

    And actually I can do it myself but it would be a pointless waste of money to bondo or weld and then paint. When I could get the same effect for FREE. You talk about me being the lazy one your the one saying its a waste of time to swap trunks lol that sounds like a contradiction to me :p

    I happen to be an Aircraft Mechanic I know what I am doing and what is and isnt a pointless waste of time and resourses. Which is why trading trunks is the easiest quickest and cheapest course of action.

    Oh and you say a bunch of crap lol how hard do you think it is to swap a trunk this isnt rocket science here lol. In 30 min max i could have 2 trunks swaped and aligned.
  15. Hella

    Hella Member

    Oh and I have to clarify one thing. The MRs in production now come with a lip wing but those are the MR Touring models. When I bought my evo which was in 2008 there were only 2 models the GSR which came with the low wing and the MR which came with the high wing. In production today is the same but MR Touring has been added with a low wing (which is the closest you can come to wingless).
  16. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    like i said, good luck homie finding someone to do all that for a spoiler.....LMAO

    your a funny guy!!!....LMAO
  17. Hella

    Hella Member

    Ah the lasts gasps of someone who cant find the words anymore because he has realized that he has made a complete fool of himself. And when I do swap trunks I will post pictures just for you to see. :D And I am a funny guy im glad I made you laugh, but you my friend are the joke. Good luck with you CF LANCER LMAO.
  18. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    no little boy im just done with you. only you think im the fool, when in reality your the fool. i can care less about what you think or what you do to your car. no one here is an idiot and going to trade you trunks. thats just plain stupid! now your going from being a funny guy to just a plain out idiot. my cf car looks way better than your car and ill put it in a show anytime against your car and see how the people react to my car compared to yours, LMAO.....your no competition for me homie, so go back to your little aircraft machanic job that you got from tha cheap ass school they advertise during the day for lame asses like you and save your money and make your good look decent enough to try and show against me, LMAO

    bye little boy!
  19. Hella

    Hella Member

    Actually I served 6 years in the military as an aircraft mechanic. Also served a year in Iraq, Poland, Germany and Kuwait as an aircraft mechanic. So I would love for you to say these things to my face because i bet you wouldnt have the balls to do it. And your car may look pretty but its still SLOW, ill mop the floor with you. Why is it that ill take you out like the trash you are? Because I know where to spend my money when it comes to modding a car. Your just another all show no go losers. You can sit on the side lines and look fast ill be in the game buddy. Oh and yes I will be trading trunks and like I said ill post pictures just for you to see. But I am a family man I have to get back to my children now. Nice talking to you. Ill be happy to school you any time you need it. Oh and i would love to see pics of your pretty ride how bout you post some up. Oh and a far as my job being cheap, ask yourself this question. Why is it that he's driving an Evo and I'm driving a Lancer ? Think about it and dont hurt yourself while doing it.
  20. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    you should find out who your talking to before you talk to them like that, i would love to tell you in your face because homie i am not scared of anyone and i can careless how bad ass you think you are cuz your were in the military. take me out like that trash you think i am, LMAO.....homie, ill choke you out so fast you will shit in your pants and wake up asking what happen and where am i......cuz trust me homie, gracie jui jitsu is no fucken joke and i train with mma guys all the time. so whenever you want to step in a cage, ring, or the fucken street homie, im down.....i dont back down from nobody.

    and like you, i bought my car before the evo's came out, well the new ones cuz i didnt want the old ones. i bought my car way before you had yours. i had my 08 oin 07 homie, so think before you speak. another thing, is i never said i was a racer or even trying to be. i built my car for show not go, so get your story straight before your try and talk shit, cuz i know plenty of my homies with civics that will smoke you, i got homies with any kind of car you wanna race homie, so i can for sure get someone to shit all over you, but in a show, i will shit on you myself. ive done the whole racing thing and its cool and fun, but i got into the show scene and thats what i do. got a problem with it??? then come and do something homie, cuz bjj will beat any time of fighting style you think you have learned in the military......LMAO

    so go back to your kids and family and keep your mouth shut before i make your kids a bastard!

    peace out homie!

    just come to LA if you got anymore to say!