Why was Sub banned???

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by WillieetheOne, Nov 8, 2007.

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  1. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    I just noticed by reading some of old posts that he has been banned? i know him and Rock had issues but i thought they had been resolved. But i sure felt that nothing had gotten that serious. But i suppose if it had been allowed to continue it might affect the site. But if anyone can or will fill me in on it please. I just a curious soul PM if you dont want it on the forum. Why does it always have to be so hard to do the right thing?? I already miss the family. Take care all.
  2. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Discussions on bannings are always going to be in private and not discussed on the public forums. If there are any questions as to why a certain member was banned please contact either a mod or admin thru a pm.

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