What model is my Lancer???

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by humanabattoir, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. humanabattoir

    humanabattoir Member

    Hey guys; I'm having trouble figuring out what model my Lancer is!
    On the boot, on the bottom right side - it does not say 'GLI' or 'GLIX' or 'MR' and my boot is that of an MR that I have seen, also that of a GLXI and a GLI. So I really don't know how to tell!
    I do know it's a 1996 model. Coupe.
    And is does not have a tacho if that is any help.

    What are some ways to tell?
    Cheers. =D
  2. Glovestoali

    Glovestoali Well-Known Member

    lol? we would love to help post sum pics
  3. humanabattoir

    humanabattoir Member

    I looked on the plate now it's light, and it says 'July 96' Model CEOM21.

    Here you go bro'. The only picture I could think of that would help you in identifying the car.

    Let me know if you want others, and ofwhat specifics.

    Also; there's something like 96 CE model '1' and '2'. What the hell!

    And on another note; my registration sticker since Model; CE96B.

  4. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    From everything that I have looked at, the CE96B is coming back for a 1996 Mitsubishi lancer GLi, 4G15 SOHC 1.5L. But, if it is a 2 door coupe..it could be an MR or a GLi. As for the CE..That is the series code for that model (96-98 CE1, 98-99 CE2). Thats about all i can tell you from what i have to go on...lol
  5. enkrypter_DJ

    enkrypter_DJ Well-Known Member

    looking up your Vin number should tell you
  6. humanabattoir

    humanabattoir Member

    How do I look up my VIN number to tell me what model it is?

    Thanks for the replies so far, guys. (Y).