What Did you name your car?

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by BigSteve, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. BigSteve

    BigSteve Well-Known Member

    Alright fellas lets hear it, we wanna know the name of your car, and how many miles were on it when you drove it off the dealership lot. Also is it a male or a female?

    I named mine "My Baby" she had 2.9 miles on it when I got her.
  2. DaytonaLancer

    DaytonaLancer Well-Known Member

    I didnt name my car, persay. But it had 14 miles when i drove it off the lot, and that was after the test drive, haha.
  3. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    mine had 17 miles after the test drive
  4. Dukekid0987

    Dukekid0987 Well-Known Member

    Mine had 5 =)
  5. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    Also refer to my car as my baby and it had 165 on it due to it having to be driven from a different dealer from i think another state.
  6. 08mitz

    08mitz Well-Known Member

    mine is called bitch.... such as in go bitch go... or get in my bitch... or watch that bitch run.. :D
  7. AeJarrotto

    AeJarrotto Well-Known Member

    mine had 250, being driven from another state... haven't named it, always call it the lancer, and i normally think of cars as girls, but this one is really masculine with the aggressive style so i really don't know. haha
  8. Primetime

    Primetime Well-Known Member

    Mine had 187 miles on it (from another state dealer) and I named it "Rhino", i don't know why, i was drunk and told my friends "i'm not driving the rhino home tonight"
  9. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    I refered to mine as the virgin .5 miles on it :) i test drove a gs and bought there only gts
  10. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    So someone got to second base with her before you took her home? (pun intended)

    Mine doesnt have a name...but the car is definately taking up all my time...I should probably just call it my current girlfriend :p
  11. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    I got rid of my gf to keep my car, my car is a cheaper date, gas her up and you can ride her for hours :)
  12. Budrow

    Budrow Well-Known Member

    103xxx And her name is Delilah
  13. JDM FLOW

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    4 miles on it, no name.

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    i poped a cherry on mine. 0.0 miles when i drove it of the dealer salon. ( yes it was parked inside) and i call it "the sex machine"
  15. NjGtSiN

    NjGtSiN Well-Known Member

    Her name is MONA... 1 mile on her because she wanted to be gased up...