
Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Devious813, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. Devious813

    Devious813 Well-Known Member

    Well so far normally i'd be in a great mood and excited to be here but not today. today i had to say goodbye to my gts for a while.. its in the shop looking sad.I wish i could tell you it was in the shop to get like a bad ass turbo put on or something that would make it seem bad ass BUT apparently i have myself a case of a few HATERS down here that decide to smash up my GTS . it looked pretty bad i'll have the pictures up soon. but its not gone forever so thank god or buddah or alah or whatever or WHO ever it is you worship to. i'll upload the pictures soon so ya'll could get entertainment out of my pain. but luckily the police got some finger prints off my car and should be catching these S.O.B. 's soon. I'll keep yall LT'erszzz updated :?
  2. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    damn man that sucks sorry to hear some people cant appreciate nice things... fuck them
  3. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    insurance? :-\
  4. Devious813

    Devious813 Well-Known Member

    oh no insurance is takin care of it But that deductable i could use for something else... like an intake or exhaust .. not giecos bitch ass
  5. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    geico is expensive... did u look around for insurance? there's a lot cheaper ones... i know a lot people who saved a lot of money by switching "OUT" of geico lol... and i'm not kidding
  6. Slickghost

    Slickghost Well-Known Member

    Devious813.. that suck bro. hopefully it's a quick turn around for you!
  7. Devious813

    Devious813 Well-Known Member

    yea i know but unfortunately im on the insurance with my mom and shes with gieco and wont switch . so im stuck for now.
  8. Devious813

    Devious813 Well-Known Member

    all this is doing is slowing me down a bit but i aint stoppin. they were very thoughtful though ..after all the damage they slashed three tires and were generous enough to leave me one active tire.
  9. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    at least u didn't get FUCK YOU etched into ur door like my friend did? o_O
  10. Devious813

    Devious813 Well-Known Member

    well a nice little fuck you scratched somewhere would have been a little nicer than bashing in my winshield , back winshield, back passenger window including the little one, kicking the biggest dent ive ever seen on a door on my back left door , flattening three tires, and scratching the shit out of my driver door because apparently they didnt know how to use a fucking slim jim.......
  11. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    may i suggest investing in a alarm system? my best guess is maybe they stole something inside ur car? and from there, they decided just to trash it ne way... at least if you get an alarm, after the first hit, they'll most likely stop cuz it's easier for them to get caught...
  12. Devious813

    Devious813 Well-Known Member

    Well us gts' erszzz have an alarm but fortunately enough it only goes off if the door its actualy opened . anything else doesnt matter even if they break the window jump in threw the window and take off in my car it wont go off if the door hasnt been opened. my car stays clean theres nothing for them to steal but some pocket change that i keep in there for tolls . and if thats what they wanted ......... honestly . ... .. it would be a shame if someone wanted to get in my car for like 2.75

    ZEROCOOL Well-Known Member

    Damn bro..thats bullshyt..hope everything turns out better..That pisses me off.
  14. testpilotx15

    testpilotx15 Well-Known Member

    That sucks man, sorry to hear that. I hope they catch the people who did it.
  15. krnkimchi702

    krnkimchi702 Well-Known Member

    that is why i bought a viper alarm system...if they even hit my car..shit goes off LOL i like hitting my car and confirming that its working lol
  16. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    wow people like this seriously need to die. its one thing for these fuckers go around fighting and shooting each other thats okay by me, just gets rid of more shitties but somethin like this is just out of the line. I hope the cops find out who is responsible for this. Sorry to hear it man and i hope the shop does the fixing up quickly.
  17. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    well, if the fenders and hood were messed up you could at least get new ones...like the aftermarket ones. The insurance company will cut the shop a check and if you talk to the shop get aftermarket stuff. That's why I'm waiting for someone to hit me :) NEW BODYKIT FOR ME! :D
  18. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    lmao you should come here to idaho. These people suck at driving, there is an accident every day due to morons getting distracted while driving in traffic. And the traffic isnt as bad as it was in cali so these people are super bad lol.
  19. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    sweet..I think I need to plan a road trip :D
  20. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    thats y i said to get an alarm system......

    the worse part about this is... imo, ur insrance is gonna go up for something you had completely no control over :(