
Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Guest, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have been mess'n around on EvoM 2day and posted pics from SEMA and I got a few good comments, but holy f**k s**t!. There are a lot of flip'n h8rs. I shared an idea of doing a 4G63 in my 08 and they are like: WTF! WHY! Ur gonna "F" up a perfect new car and so and so forth. Wow!
    I guess they are just not aware of the KRU. So I started dish'n it back out to them. I should be banned by the end of the day. LOL! "F"'m.
  2. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    hahahaha go kru show those fu**s
  3. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Since you have the means, why not.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    go here and the immature shit im dealing with. I had it so I started going off.

    "F" EVOM bitches!


    Dont get me wrong, some on there were very cool. U go to a turbo site to get turbo help and they treat u like an idiot.
  5. Wasper

    Wasper Well-Known Member

    yeah, pretty lame over there..

    one thing I would recommend though.... take the myspace out of your sig over there... your myspace has lancertuners on it and I would hate to see those morons come over here and bombard these forums with thier stupidity. It happened before at another site I belonged to, they eventually had to change sites all together and only tell the "true" members in e-mails the new site. I dont think any of us want that type of headache over here... just a suggestion.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ^ good idea
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    wow now it got all quiet over there. HA Ha Ha!
  8. WetBiscut

    WetBiscut New Member

    Hey all, I've been lurking for a while at both sites, and there are some cool people at both and some not so cool people at both...my suggestion is to leave them be. KRU, you've got a nice ride and a lot of know-how, and frankly you seem like one of the nicest guys on any car forum I've come across...don't let stupid stuff like that bother you.

    And if you do manage to find a 4g, I want to see a project thread!

  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ^ ty 4 the comps. I know I should be better than that but dang some times I just cant take the stupidity.
  10. gatzaraki

    gatzaraki Well-Known Member

    hey kru don't worry,evom still think that mitsu stop making lancer since 06,the only thing that count for them is ralliart and evo's, so fu__ em.
  11. JayGTS88

    JayGTS88 Well-Known Member

    but wont the new evo X end up there? :(
  12. JayGTS88

    JayGTS88 Well-Known Member

    i am sick of ppl talking about how fast a car goes and how good they let their shop tune it i'll just go to the bank get a loan and buy a AMG :twisted: :D AMG arent made for speed is made for style and the saying I'm RICH BITCH!
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ok guys I got banned from EVO-M for a day.

    VincentX also threatened to get a gun and kill me.
    So i printed the replies and now I am going to submit these to the boys in blue and c if I can get EVO-M off the net for good and VincentX found and proccecuted.
  14. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    hahah wow, evom is too serious and people there are dicks
  15. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    I am usually the one bashing people modifying their cars with mods that dont make sense.. thats usually cause they are people that 98% of the time dont even know what they are talking about.... like in fast and the furious... I NEED NAWSSS ROFL

    now with somebody like KRU, why people even bother to mess with him?... it just doesnt make sense for me 8O