
Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Redline1, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. Redline1

    Redline1 Well-Known Member

    So i was crusing down the blvd saturday night after work so about 4 in the moring, so an old ass truck full of drunk hillbilles, no knock, pulls up next to me and they said" wanna race, and i simply replied back no thanks but i dont race anymore' so the light turned green and the truck left and at the next light they were waiting cause it turned red to. so i revved it and all of a sudden i bicycle cop throws his bike in front of my car and tells me to step out. keep in mind i was not speeding and my car is not as loud as the hondas or nissans around here. So me being me i complied with everything did as he told. then when him and his 8 other bike buddies just sat and talked at the back of my car for ten mins. i was not happy it was cold. So he came back to me handed me a ticket for something, i forgot the charge but it was 257. no ponts, and i called my police friend and he said that it was a p.o.p charge, pissing off police. Guess what the best part was, when the cop came to my window to tell me to step out. He said oh speedcorps.com got pulled over by a guy on a bike. yes i have speedcorps on my window. anyway the story goes to say,. he was a hater