The new Biggie Movie...

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Prophet, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Fucking hate it and I haven't even seen it...

    Greatest Rapper of all time? Fuck no... 2Pac was dip shits...

    Sorry just getting tired of seeing the commercials...
  2. olvhec

    olvhec Well-Known Member

    Hadnt even heard of it till now, guess I dont watch enough tv. Sometimes I'm glad I dont becuase of all the stupid stuff I miss out on, lol.
  3. jc

    jc Well-Known Member

    2Pac FTMFW!!!
    but u cant hate on Biggie Smalls. he was a good rapper too.
  4. bambam

    bambam Well-Known Member

    EMINEM RULES ALL and when he drops his new album lil wayne will seem like nothing.
    i cant wait.
    and yea that movie looks so freaking gay. thats one i will notbe seeing.
  5. Budrow

    Budrow Well-Known Member

    Hey they are talkin bout legends not wanna be white boys Im not hatin on Eminem but he shouldnt be in this when your throwin Tupac and Biggie out there
  6. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member


    Sorry but even Lil Lame is not a rapper I would even consider in that category... in fact I don't even think he is a rapper but some lame ass wannabe... come on now... I can't even see Pac making a song like that POS lolipop song :roll:
  7. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    there would be no Tupac without B.I.G. and vice versa...'nuff said.

    +1 with lil lame

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    2pac 4 life!

    +1 on what Brass said.
  9. mikeike8

    mikeike8 Well-Known Member

    imo eminem was f-ing good... but u cant compare him to 2pac and biggie cuz its two diff kinds of rap... but a movie about biggie? stupid.. dumbest thing i have ever seen
  10. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    ...butt I bet alot of you guys out there will watch the new movie!!!!!

    besides, Tupac isnt even dead!!!! I saw him at 7/11 having a grape slurpee with Elvis and Johnny Cash :D
  11. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    i think the commercial said..."he was one of the greatest rapper of all time" i would say hes not all that great, there are other rappers out there who was a lot better...just because he got killed doesnt mean his great...
  12. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Naw buddy... Pac didn't need Biggie... he was doing just fine on the West Coast... There beef just helped propel the East Coast vs West Coast mentality which ended up getting them both killed...
  13. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Same thing can be said about B.I.G. I feel you cant have one without the other. Whether or not they really did have beef or its the media exploiting them. Music, entertainment, sports, automobiles, blah, blah, blah it will keep on going...the competition.
  14. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    No what I was saying is that Pac did not need Biggie to make it big... he already was here on the West Coast. He put out four plus albums way before Biggie was even into rap music. The only thing Biggie needed from Pac was a place to stay and a couch to sleep on and probably the best advice Pac gave Biggie... "You want to make it big then you have to rap to the females..."

    As far as I am concerned Biggie needed Pac more then Pac needed Biggie...
  15. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I'm goin' goin' back back to Cali Cali
  16. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    I do understand what you mean, just in my eyes, each of them had to "out do" the other. Not just more Tupac or more B.I.G.
  17. Budrow

    Budrow Well-Known Member

    If they make a Tupac movie there would be 2 funerals. Maybe we would find out the rest of the story, like he aint dead he went into the CIA lol
  18. bambam

    bambam Well-Known Member

    i bet you havent even heard half of eminems stuff. and ur claiming how he is?
    thats like saying the bibleis wrong but knowing nothing about it.
    ignorant. but its your opinion. but when he can murder some1 on their own song. that is fucking skill.
    jay-z ft. eminem=renegade. listen to it and tell me he isnt on their level.
  19. dcobeo7931

    dcobeo7931 Well-Known Member

    as far as flow biggie had it....the only thing pac had was a great work ethic...he made more music than humanly possible...biggie on the other hand created classics...everyone of his songs on life after death is a classic....he started the whole rolex, versace, bentley fad....AND HE WAS DEAD!!!!!!