The Movie Quotes Game!

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by eKtor, May 22, 2008.

  1. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    Hello :D

    This is a very simple and fun game for those movie fans out there!

    I will start with a movie quote, and the next person will answer what movie it was, and is going to post another movie quote for the next person to answer and so on... Easy enough right? everybody has to post a new quote after they answer the previous one!

    let the games begin!


    "Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."

  2. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

    "A new name? That's all? But that's easy. I can give her any name she wants."
  3. EBlancerGTS

    EBlancerGTS Well-Known Member


    The Never Ending Story (1984)

    New Quote:

    "Anything else, mom? You want me to mow the lawn? Oops! I forgot, New York, No grass."
  4. lancer08guy

    lancer08guy Well-Known Member

    answer - Hackers (1995) we have

    "Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period."
  5. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    that is an amazing movie.. The Pursuit of Happyness


    "In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women"

    oh and by the way, you are not supposed to "google" them :D
  6. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    Thats easy....

    Al Pacino - Scarface

    "Now, ask what the Great Conjunction is, what's the Great Conjunction?"
  7. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    "I dont believe in God, I believe in science, OK"
  8. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    You must answer mine before you give a quote rule breaker.....
  9. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    those are too hard.
  10. JGSkains

    JGSkains Well-Known Member

    The Dark Crystal

    "When I'm running for my life I generally don't look back at the plumbing."
  11. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    sorry for breaking the chain... but i think not only must u name the title of the movie... but perhaps why the quote was said, as to prevent people from just googling it :p
  12. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, because there is no way in hell JGSkains got my quote without Googling it. NO WAY IN HELL!!! I'm probably like the only one on the boards old enough to even remember The Dark Crystal.
  13. westcoast

    westcoast Well-Known Member

    Ummm, chain kind of stopped so ill start it since i couldnt figure out any of the others ones. :D

    "I'm your Huckleberry..."
  14. JGSkains

    JGSkains Well-Known Member

    Eh! I'm 38 I was around when Dark Crystal came out.

    Mine was from "Reign of Fire", yours is from Tombstone but the correct line was "I'll be your Huckleberry" followed by "He's so drunk he can't see straight." "That's why I got two guns so I can shoot both of ya."
  15. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    dude your supost to post a new one.
  16. JGSkains

    JGSkains Well-Known Member

    Oh yea, sorry. Uhh... Oh here ya go "My name... Isn't it on the license man, yeah that's it P-e-e-e-dr-r-o-o-o"
  17. rhyzin

    rhyzin Member

    buahahaha... Up in Smoke... who smokes labrador? i took my dad's CASSETTE tape back in the day after seeing the movie.

    "First, you gotta do the truffle shuffle."
  18. JGSkains

    JGSkains Well-Known Member

    Goonies... It took me a while to remember that.

    "There's no money, there's no weed. It's all been replaced by a pile of corpses."
  19. mikeyb0y

    mikeyb0y Well-Known Member

    answer:: lock stock & 2 smokin barrels

    ** i thought i would bring back the movie quote game **

    movie quote :: ".... what u need is a fatty boom-batty blunt, i swear u'll be seeing oceans, sailboats, and some big titty mermaids doing sum of that lesbian shit.... look at me! look at me you sloppy bitch!! "

  20. curtellisjr

    curtellisjr Well-Known Member

    Answer: Mallrats

    Quote: I think George Lucas gonna sue somebody