The Fast & The Furious Thread

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by LuvMyLancer, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Ok, here's a little game. I seem to have the movie stuck in my head so I think we should all try figure out the whole script. Now, I know the whole movie (like every line) so I can correct people if they get it wrong... :lol:

    I'll do the first bit:

    *Show big rig truck at loading dock thinger*

    "Just packed up a real money load,|and it's coming your way.
    Look for "Rodgers" on the truck's side.Don't forget my share of the deal."
    *show ricey Civics hijacking trucks with uber cool moves.. haha*
    *show Brian in Eclipse trying to drive really fast, then spins out*
    *Brian goes to Toretto's Grocery Store*
    Mia: Tuna on white, no crust, right?
    Brian: I don't know. How is it?
    Mia: Every day, for the last three weeks,you've come here, asking how the tuna is.
    Now, it was crappy yesterday, It was crappy the day before.
    And guess what? It hasn't changed.
    Brian:I'll have the tuna.
    Mia: No crust?
    Brian: No crust. *Mia gives him sandwich then flips to some wierd page in a magazine*
    Thank you.
    Enter "The Team"
  2. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member


    "streets closed pizza boy, find another way home"

    "damn street racers"
  3. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    You skipped a big part!!! hint "watch your back! watch your watch your back!" lol
  4. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    lol, i get it. you want it scene for bad

    *sniff, "I smell skanks"
  5. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    yep, scene for scene, the whoolllle movie. haha no rewind yourself to the grocery store. That's where I left off, you jumped to the street racing scene haha
  6. bambam

    bambam Well-Known Member

    doesnt he say "how's the tuna"?
    instead of idk how is it...
  7. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    How did a playboy bunny scene get in the movie?
  8. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I dunno how anything got into the movie, I just know the script lol

    And no he definitely says "I dunno how is it" cuz shes like "let me guess tuna on white no crust?"

    No one seems to know the movie so I guess this thread is dead :p
  9. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Here's the next scene anyway :lol: ( I think I know most of it..probably not.. haha)

    Vince: Talk to me, Jesse.This ain't working, brother.
    Jesse: It's your fuel map. It's got a nasty hole.
    That's why you're unloading in third.
    I'll lengthen the injector pulse a millisecond. Just tune the NOS timer, you'll run nines.
    Vince: What's up with this fool? Is he sandwich-crazy?
    Leon: No. He ain't here for the food, dog.
    Letty: Chill out. He's just slinging parts for Harry.
    Leon: I know what he's slinging.He's trying to get in Mia's pants, dog.
    Mia: What's up, guys?
    Leon: How you doing, Mia?
    Letty: Hey, Dom. You want something to drink?
    Leon: He's beautiful.
    Jesse: I like his haircut.
    Mia: Vince...Vince!
    Vince: What?
    Mia: Can I get you anything?
    Vince: You look good.
    Brian: Thanks a lot, Mia. See you tomorrow.
    Mia: Sure.
    Vince: Tomorrow?
    Hey, why don't you try Fatburger from now on. You can get yourself a Double Cheese and fries for $2.95, faggot!
    Brian: I like the tuna here.
    Vince: Bullshit, asshole! No one likes the tuna here!
    Brian: Yeah, well, I do.
    *insert watch your back music haha. they start fighting*
    Mia: Jesus Christ, Dom! Would you get out there? I'm sick of this shit.
    I'm not kidding, Dom. Get out there!
    Dom: What did you put in that sandwich?
    Mia: That's really funny.
    Letty: Dom!
    Dom: All right.
    Brian: Hey, man. He was in my face.
    Dom: I'm in your face.
    Relax! Don't push it! You embarrass me!
    Get over there!
    Jesse, give me the wallet.
    "Brian Earl Spilner." That sounds like a serial killer name to me. Is that what you are?
    Brian:No, man.
    Dom: Don't come around here again.
    Brian: Hey, man. This is bullshit.
    Dom: You work for Harry, right?
    Brian: Yeah. I just started.
    Dom: You were just fired.
  10. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    damn girl...when you said you know the aint joking huh....
  11. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    I have no life! :D
  12. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Next Scene:

    Harry(on phone): Hey, Dominic. I appreciate what you did, in a big way.
    Dominic, I owe you.
    (To Brian) Brian, you're messing with my business. When Dominic drives, he's golden. Kids pour in. They want everything he has. Every performance part and they pay cash!
    Brian: What did Dominic say?
    Harry: You don't want to know.
    Brian: What did Dominic say?!
    Harry: He wants you out of here.
    Brian: He wants me out of here?
    Harry: Yes.
    Brian And what did you say to Dom?
    Harry: What do you think I said? I told him, "Good help is hard to find."
    Brian: Relax. I need NOS...I need NOS.
    Harry: No.
    Brian: My car topped out at 140 miles per hour this morning.
    Harry: Amateurs don't use nitrous oxide. I've seen how you drive. You've got a heavy foot. You'll blow yourself to pieces.
    Brian: I need one of these. One of the big ones. Actually, let's make it two. And Harry... I need it by tonight.
    *Street Scene*
    Hector: Hold up, hold up. Look at this snowman right here, man.
    Sweet ride. What you running under there, man?
    *Brian Smiles*
    Going to make me find out the hard way?
    Brian: Hell, yeah.
    Hector: You brave. You brave.They call me Hector. I got a last name too, but I can't pronounce it.
    Brian: Brian Spilner.
    Hector: Typical white-boy name. Know what I'm saying? See that over there? That's mine. My baby. But I ain't cutting her loose tonight.
    Brian: Why not?
    Hector: I'm going legit, homey. Trying to get on the NIRA circuit. Heard about that?
    Brian: Hell, yeah.
    Hector: So, what's up with you, man?
    Brian: I'm just waiting for Toretto.
    Edwin: Shit. Better get in line. This yours?
    Brian: I'm standing next to it.
    Edwin: That's funny. You know, Edwin happens to know a few things. And one of the things Edwin knows is: It's not how you stand by your's how you race your car. You better learn that.
    *Insert Ricers*
    Oh, shit. Here they come. It's on
  13. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    My copy has a playboy bunny scene in it.
  14. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    What ?? lol