Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by darklancer, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    ok soi got a call from spc sponsorships and they want to spnsopr my car all id have to do is attend 3 shows a year and wear their 3 by 5 stickers on my car and pay the membership fee. i get 30 to 80% off all their sponsopship parter products and if i win a show i get 200 bucks cash from them and a 5000 dollar shopnsorship pratenr acount access to a parts man and the membership acount online. there is a membership fee of 135 that if i want it i have to pay it tomarow....

    i need your opinions
    get it before its gone???????
  2. krnkimchi702

    krnkimchi702 Well-Known Member

    if ur sponsored why the hell should u have to pay a membership fee???
  3. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    i dont know this is new to me lol
  4. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    A real sponsership won't have you pay any fee's....
  5. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    ok good to know so how do i get those ones??
  6. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    i think u get those ones by actually entering into car shows... and i guess talking around, and maybe picking up a sponsor, especially if u prob win a show... idk, just a thought?
  7. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    thats kinda what i was thinkin like i had my vw in the three hills show last year but i didnt know if i should put a stock lancer in a show... i think its pretty enough
  8. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Alot of hard work... time... and patients... You need to know the right people... win the right shows... have a unique ride...
  9. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    so stock aint gonna do it
  10. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Quite a bit of nice cars that they've sponsored. I'd say get more information as to the reason for the membership fee. It may just be a general thing in order to support the Team and provide funds with which to provide deals for members.
  11. Nemo420

    Nemo420 Well-Known Member

    sounds like a scam to me, i have full and partial sponsorships and they are from the companies directly. this seems like a middle man type of company. if you want real sponsorships, you have to hit up the companies themselves and see what their requirements are.
  12. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    It is a scam. Check the Better Business Bureu website. Those "sponsorship" websites/business are belittled all over the net.
  13. Devious813

    Devious813 Well-Known Member

    i had the same offer bro from the same exact people. Its not really a sponsorship you only get discounts and they build a portfolio for you in order to GET real sponsors. but even paying the 135 which is only once a year, those discounts can come in handy... ALOT . You still have to order parts and stuff and pay out of pocket but the discounts help. I say go for it, a discount is a discount you know
  14. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    All the stuff that they offer a "discount" on can be found through other websites and even eBay for the same prices or cheaper. It just takes a matter of research.
  15. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    hmm i maybe next year i dont even have the cash for discounted parts lol
  16. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    To be fair you would want to check for that specific company, others may not be on the up and up, but some are just trying to do what we as a forum all want enthusiast support.
  17. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    They will give you bullshit parts!!! No performance parts for sure and most of the time you will have to install it yourself or pay to get it installed.
  18. thetaxguy

    thetaxguy Well-Known Member

  19. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    lol sweet good to know thanks gys... ill call up some companies here se what they say
  20. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    unless someone has anythin else to ad im good if any admins wana delelete this ty