RMS-USA is full of assholes!!

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by RedStar, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    I am sorry for saying this but if you ever buy from these guys and choose to return a product they will take it, just not give you the money back. It’s been 2 weeks now after they received my Fujita SRI and they still haven’t paid me. They keep promising to pay me and today the manager (nick) promised to pay me today and guess what, NOTHING! This is probably the worst server I have ever experienced with any company...

    Any ideas on how I can get my money back? I want to do small claims on them but would I have to go to court at their location or would they have to come to me?

    Or is there any other solution? Please help because frankly me asking for my money back just isn’t doing much atm.
  2. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    If you paid by credit card reverse the charge...
  3. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    paypal :(
  4. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    submit a claim to paypal!!
  5. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    Yeap i tried that. THey said this issue should be worked out between me and him. So I will call them up again tomorrow. I mean its a good big company so i dont know whats goinog on.
  6. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    I hope you funded the transaction with your credit card or a debit card with a Visa or Mastercard symbol? You can still reverse it that way...
  7. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    /\ 100% agree
  8. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    I do freelance work so my clients pay me to my paypal. So my paypal had money on it.
  9. midunn

    midunn Well-Known Member

    That sux bro, hopefully you get your cash back.
  10. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    Okay i got it back!

    Finally of calling every hour on the hour they got annoyed and stoped feeding me bullshit promises.

    New issue is i paid $160 but got $121 back and their excuse is that is what fujita refunded them but i dont care right now. $121 is better than $0 i just know im never doing any business with that company again. I rather pay $20 to one of our local tenders here and know i can get better respect as a customer.

    Anyways, thanks for the support guys an a lesson learned, from now on buy with credit card :)

    Btw, if any1 from speedcorps views this topic, got your stickers today! Put one on an will take a pic later. I washed my car and when i got home it was dirty again :(
  11. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    This is just one of many reasons why I refuse to use paypal. Glad that you recieved your money back. Paypal still owes me a couple thousand :roll: .

    Like you said lesson learn. Always withdraw your money from your paypal account and fund using your credit card so you can reverse the charge.

    If you get the chance write up a short review on this company so you can warn other people about this company. IMO just because Fujita only refunded them a certain amount of money doesn't mean that is all you should get. That is between Fujita and this company. Not between you and Fujita. I bet if you call Fujita they are probably not even a direct buyer from them and this company goes thru a wholeseller and that wholeseller charged them a restocking fee.

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    heheheh wow jason. but check this i have had bought somethign from ebay and paid with paypal. So after 1 week i didnt hear anything fromt he guy if he has shipped the item out or not. So i opened a claim with paypal. Paypal gives you 2 weeks to work things out with a seller, If not they will return the money spent to you....Had that happed to me 2 times already...I am actually always satisfied with paypal...
  13. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    I wrote an email to rms.

    here it is

    "This is Sergie from Idaho who was always calling about getting his refund and now I have another issue.
    Why did you not refund me 100%? I paid $160 for the SRI and received $120 in return.
    When I called about this a man told me because that is what fujita refunded you. Well that is a problem you have to solve between fujita and not take it out on me.
    I need the rest of my money which is $39. I will be calling you on this matter as well. If you choose to deny paying me, well I will write up a nice review about rms on Lancer, Evo, Civic, Si forums to warn people about the horrible service they can receive."
  14. tatsujo

    tatsujo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, sorry to hear about the problems redstar. I've had success with paypal getting my money back when something goes undone.. so no problem here. I'm not sure what happened with your transaction.

    It sucks to know that what I thought was a good company could do that. Makes me wonder was the low price worth it.

    What you should do is not only write to the forums because they really can care less.

    File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.

    Possibly do a review at resellerratings also.
  15. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    Thanks man i just wrote out that complaint! I really want to pay them back for all the stress they caused me!
  16. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Long story short....

    I sold two body kits. Buyer uses his credit card to fund the transaction. He gets the bodykits and then files a complaint with Paypal and his credit card company claiming that his credit card was stolen and he never purchased any body kits.. Credit card company reverse the charge with paypal. Paypal comes back to me and says that the card was stolen and now the charges have been reversed. They freeze my account for security measure which has about a thousand in it. I have to provide a tracking number which I do. I have to prove I am who I say I am by faxing in two forms of ID and provide other personal information.

    So here is where I lose out...

    I am out the money that I sold the kits for.
    I am out the money that I used to purchase from my wholeseller.
    I am out my money in my frozen paypal account.

    Plenty of stories like this.... check out www.paypalsucks.com
  17. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    Wow you did loose big no kidding. Thats why its so good to sell locally.

    Anyways, called em up they said the $39 was for shipping but u know i dont buy that. But i can care less now ima just leave it as is and enjoy what i have and will soon be ordering exhaust, CAI :D