RIP 9G Tarmac Black 5spd

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by delphium_, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, this will probably be my last thread on this website

    I just wanted to thank all you guys who've helped me learn more about my car and have been total dicks to me these passed months, making me wiser :twisted:

    I regret to inform that i must part ways with my 9g Lancer soon.

    Story is: My mom bought me my Lancer under her name as a grad gift..even though i was gonna have to pay for it.. well i didn't graduate and i'm lagging it on getting the GED. So she said she had enough and was taking the car back.. She's probably gonna trade it in for a galant in the future..

    anyway, that means i'll be carless and have to get the bike i wanted anyways. i'll save me money on gas/ insurance/ and still will be mine so i can do as i please.

    Growing up is hard but i rather earn what i get then just have them given to me.

    i'll be back on this thread to read and reply to posts but thats about it

    Big bird to my mother for being such an ass


    me & 5th<3
  2. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    that sucks man. keep going to school. 8)
  3. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    This will be a lesson learned.
  4. Pocket

    Pocket Well-Known Member

  5. chetman7

    chetman7 Well-Known Member

    hm...I"ll tell u this much, insurance isn't gonna be lower on a bike then a car, I pay 2400 a year for my car, My buddy is 19 with a spotless record and he pays 600 a month
  6. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    im not getting coverage on my bike just liability, 50 a month on geico i already quoted it