Question on Luminics.

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Customization' started by MattyMAYHEM, May 7, 2008.

  1. MattyMAYHEM

    MattyMAYHEM Active Member

    Was about to get some Luminics Pure Blue 6000k Halogens. Just wanna make sure it won't burn out my shit. Oh and are they too blue as in going to get pulled over everytime a cop see's em. Lol noob question btw.
  2. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    Legally there is no such thing as "too blue". If it emmits any shade of blue, its illegal. There are 3 colors that must not protude towards the front of the vehicle.


    Blue/Red is for emergency vehicles only
    Purple is for funeral vehicles only

    So with that said, just be careful.
  3. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    Do Not Get Them

    I got the wrong model for my GFs car by accident and a member here bought them from me

    With the legal issue, it all depends, i now have hids that have a strong hint of blue... ive had them for 7 months, and i havent had a problem with cops... this is in florida...

    LancerGTS bought them from me, and they were really dim.. although they look cool, they are not functional at night.

    and for the price of luminics, save an extra 20$ and get HIDs ;)
  4. pimpinfern

    pimpinfern Well-Known Member

    i got some for the hell of it and they are light blue at most, not liking how they arent as blue as portrayed but they are atleast better than stock