Public Service Announcement

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by XxLaNcErGTSxX, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. XxLaNcErGTSxX

    XxLaNcErGTSxX Well-Known Member

    Just thought I would like you guys to know something. Most of you know about DirectorSe7en 's Evo X MR. Well they story goes he bought a house, and was having a massive part-out on his X. He suddenly does not exist anymore. He has scammed some people out of alot of money and I dont want you guys to fall victium. Here are some posts. He cancelled his myspace account, and his Xbox 360 account no longer exists. He did return some peoples money but others are left out. Thought i would share,33906.15.html
  2. Evolve

    Evolve Well-Known Member

    this sorta thing happens alot. the more forums you frequent, the more you see it.


    and LOL at getting rid of your xbox live account. Shit would have to get MADD cereal for me to contimplate quitting games because im afraid of getting found.
  3. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    wow...good thing i didnt bought that evo x wing a few months back...

    i'll watch out for him around this part of town, i might eventually run into him...

    i feel sorry for the peeps that got scammed...
  4. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    well that sucks for the people who purchased stuff. I never really liked that guy and this just proves me right that he was a douchebag.
    I guess we now know how he gets money to pay for his cars? :lol:
  5. eKtor

    eKtor Well-Known Member

    wow.... who would have thought he was going to end up like this...

    For some reason I really think he wasnt purposely a scammer. I do believe that he had some "business" going on where he was getting all this money, and all of a sudden the business went bad and he ran out of money ahd shit hit the fan.

    Hopefully this is not one of the cases where 2 weeks we find out he dide in an accident and thats why he is not answering. (like that BMW forum case)
  6. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    i remember almost buying his oem recaro back then for 1.4k he was just telling me to send money to his paypal and all and was saying oh the seats are off the car and ready to go but like it was all bs because a couple of days later he posted new recent pics with the seats still on his car... sighh never trusted that dude
  7. illdietrying

    illdietrying Well-Known Member

  8. malblast

    malblast Active Member

    Yea almost sent cash, but decided not to. I dont like buying things off forums, Glad I didnt.
  9. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Something didnt seem right about him from the get go.... Hope everything works out for everyone. Kind of ironic isnt it? You all getting screwed over by a fraud investigator? Not meaning to poke fun, but that shit does blow. Good luck to everyone.
  10. Thatguy

    Thatguy Well-Known Member

    whoa. that's some crazy sh!t. i've seen some of his post of his car. he had a lot of nice things. i would never thought though. thanks for the heads up. i guess the best way to buy from another member is to just do a personel meet up.
  11. ThE_BaRbEr

    ThE_BaRbEr Well-Known Member

    damn, n i was about to by his ab works exhaust. good thing i didnt.... with all the money he put in both of his cars i wuda never guessed he'd be rippin pll off like that.
  12. Dr1fter

    Dr1fter Well-Known Member

    If you haven't realized yet alot of people in the car scene are shady individuals. It's just the nature of the scene. He always had a nose-up-to-the-sky attitude and paraded it around these forums. It's always nice to meet the individuals who don't fit the mold and are actually good people.
  13. chicagolancer

    chicagolancer Member

    u have to remember to...he works for WaMu
  14. Dr1fter

    Dr1fter Well-Known Member

    Your point in this statement? They were just purchased by PRG I believe it was. So if any bank has less to fear now it is them.
  15. chicagolancer

    chicagolancer Member

    they were purhased by jp just saying..who know if they let ppl go..n thats y he isnt responding..he might need money
  16. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    Sabastien: I work for WaMu Corp. where I'm a Fraud Investigator. It sounds flashy but it's really not all that great, haha. I enjoy it mostly because it pays decent and allows me to fund everything you see on this Lancer and future projects.

    Qoute from director7
  17. GTS_Rob

    GTS_Rob Well-Known Member

  18. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    And you guys wonder why I am so hard on users in the For Sale section and legitimate vendors but even then, there is only so much I can do...

    Moving to Off Topic...

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    we know, i know, good catch though!!

    sorry for everyone who got scammed
  20. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    Jake can you remove the pic of his car from the main page, still says car of the month.