Poorly fixed cars Funny

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by enkrypter_DJ, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. enkrypter_DJ

    enkrypter_DJ Well-Known Member

  2. vivimatsuk

    vivimatsuk Well-Known Member

    hahaha this is awesome!! nice "headlights"
  3. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Well, I guess some people don't have the money to buy brand new parts to fix their broken headlight, so they have to make do. I know how that can be.
  4. enkrypter_DJ

    enkrypter_DJ Well-Known Member

    damn right i once broke the door handle on my old truck and had to use a shoe lace, then another time i had to use a 5 gallon of gas in the passenger seat cause my fuel lines where rotten and had no money.
  5. JDMFanatik

    JDMFanatik Well-Known Member

  6. enkrypter_DJ

    enkrypter_DJ Well-Known Member

    ya the 5 gallon of gas was tricky because i had to keep it higher then the Carburator so the fuel would flow, plus i had to drive with the windows down
  7. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    Lmao that's awesome. There's a civic around here with fog lights obviously not made for his car. Not sure how their held on (haven't cared enough to bend down and look lol) but i'm guessing tape or something.
  8. dao.style

    dao.style Well-Known Member

    oh god, i would be embrassed to drive those