Poll: Would you...

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by xSoni, Sep 10, 2009.

Would you let MTV Pimp YOUR ride?

  1. yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. no

  3. maybe

  1. xSoni

    xSoni Well-Known Member

    Would you let mtv pimp your ride? :D
  2. marauder96

    marauder96 Well-Known Member

    No. I didn't like the way-out-there ideas/customs they did. I'd rather have that show where they customized semi's work on my car. I can't recall the name though.
  3. Roofus

    Roofus Well-Known Member

    No, I drive my car down the streets...not out in space. Their cutsimizations look cool on tv but in reality I think it'd look a little obnoxious. Lol I'd rather just take the money they would of spent on it and pick out my own mods
  4. enkrypter_DJ

    enkrypter_DJ Well-Known Member

    never gonna let them touch my car
  5. 2k8 ES

    2k8 ES Well-Known Member

    Maybe.. As long as they keep it simple and don't do some crazy ass paint job with lazers and skulls and shit, I think I'd let them. It'd be fun to have a grille in the back of my car or a 40" flat screen under my hood :)
  6. EngRWW33

    EngRWW33 Well-Known Member

    Sure I would. Then I'd sell it the next day with the title "MTV's Pimped Ride"

    I'm sure I'd make some $$$ out of that deal.
  7. bambam

    bambam Well-Known Member

    haha thats what i was thinking sell that shit asap if you didnt like it and make profit and there you go a brand new oppurtunity for an evo lol
  8. enkrypter_DJ

    enkrypter_DJ Well-Known Member

    not sure who would buy a lancer with a hidden shoe rack, 20inch chrome wheels, fish tank/disco ball wih a full music studio in the trunk. But ims ure u can sell it and make enough to buy a EVO