Pics of my new red tail boa!

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by 96Blacksunshine, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. 96Blacksunshine

    96Blacksunshine Well-Known Member

    This is my new baby. Shes only a few weeks old. Should be around four feet long at 1 yr old. Can eventually get to 10 feet long.






  2. vivimatsuk

    vivimatsuk Well-Known Member

    lol nice snake. make sure it doesnt cut of ur blood circulation lol :lol:
  3. Budrow

    Budrow Well-Known Member

    I have a corn thats 1ft 9in but not as big around as the boa
  4. dogdog130

    dogdog130 Well-Known Member

    thats a baby there here is mine she 61/2 ft

    she loves my car more then i do
  5. chetman7

    chetman7 Well-Known Member

    Heres mine
    1.5 year female ball python (3.5 feet long)

    and my 2 female crested geckos
  6. chetman7

    chetman7 Well-Known Member

    I know that ur just starting out but I would definitly replace the dial thermostat and hemostat with a digital one. The dial ones are known to be really inaccurate. Walmart sells nice ones for like 8 bucks.
    Are you controlling that heat bulb with some sort of dimmer or thermostat?? temps should be 90-92 hot side, 80-82 on the cold side. Those bulbs can reach over 100F easily and will cook ur snake if not controlled
  7. 96Blacksunshine

    96Blacksunshine Well-Known Member

    Actually, ive had snakes in the past. I had a siz foot red tail before. Had to sell it when I moved. I have been reading about the gauges not being accurate or just not working all together. But if they are semi accurate they'll be fine till christmas when I get digital. Also, I am using a dimmer. Its controlling a under the tank heater and the ceramic heating element. Its actually been a lot easier than I remember to get the temps/humidity where they need to be.
  8. 96Blacksunshine

    96Blacksunshine Well-Known Member

    Here is a few feeding photos BTW


  9. 4B12LancerGTS

    4B12LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    That is so bad ass. Ive always wanted a snake but i heard they can be pretty expensive to take care of not like cats :p. Is this true?
  10. 96Blacksunshine

    96Blacksunshine Well-Known Member

    Yeah. The initial cost is pretty high.
    snake - $125
    tank - $ 80 (which with my snake will need to be replaced by at least a six foot cage by next year sometime
    heat lamp - $30
    under tank heater - $30
    bedding - spot clean daily and fully change 2-4 weeks depending on cleanliness - $10
    temp/humidity gauges - $20
    hide spot such as log - $10
    food - mice or rats(rats have more nutritional values) - $5 to $10 weekly then bi-weekly
    some sort of thermostat or dimmer to control heating devices. mine can handle 500 watts of total power. - $40
    heavy reptile water dish - $10 to $15

    Watching your wife freak out when she comes home and sees your expensive new snake and set-up- PRICELESS !!!
  11. 4B12LancerGTS

    4B12LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    Holy shit! That is expensive! hmm maybe if my wife is cool with one :p