People suck

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Inferno, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. Inferno

    Inferno Active Member

    Just another reason why people suck. I was running around town doing some errands and on the 3rd stop I had made I came out of the store and noticed my car (08 ES) was sitting a lil funny in the parking space. Nothing was wrong with the driver side of the car but when I walked around to the passenger side I found a scratch and a dent starting on the front door and ending on the back door. I asked around and nobody saw anything and the store didnt have cameras in their parking lot. So all in all I have a car that now needs to be fixed and nobody is paying for this other than me and my insurance. Ill try and post a pic later for you guys (I know how you love pics)
  2. faracinman2

    faracinman2 Well-Known Member

    dang dude that sux... happened to a buddy of mine, but the guy that hit him left his information on the windshield. talk about luck
  3. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    /\ that just sucks man,really irritating when people say they didnt say anything,i know how you happened to me once in my old car.i was doing errands as well,i parked right up front of the store i as going in,i wasnt even in the store no longer than 5 minutes.come to see somebody hit my car and crushed in me rear passenger quarter panel,there were peeps around but they said they didnt see anything when they was 2 feet away.SUCKED!
  4. Inferno

    Inferno Active Member

    Yeah it does suck especially to a new car. But on the plus side my insurance company is being cool about it They already had somebody look at it and are going to get it fixed as soon as they review the case, hopefully that wont take to long. Unfortunatly this happens alot down where i live.
  5. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    It hurt me to read
    I apologize on behalf of the jealous dipshits
