New Paint Job - Looking for creative people

Discussion in '7G Lancer and older - Customization' started by theFranchise, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. theFranchise

    theFranchise Well-Known Member

    I was just hoping someone on here was good with drawing or photoshop. I'm getting a fresh paint job and I cant think of any ideas, nor can I draw. I was going to go with the evo rally theme, but in dark charcoals, grays, and black colors instead of red, silver, and black. I have two color choices as of now: Graphite gray pearl, and Phantom black pearl. They are the 09 lancer colors. So if you can come up with an idea using those colors I'd be really appreciate it. I want the base to be in the graphite and the graphics to be the black. I am looking for something simple, but unique. I don't have any body kits or anything, just an 02 OZ rally. Thanks a lot guys.
  2. theFranchise

    theFranchise Well-Known Member

    screw all of you non-repliers! lol figured out my colors, ill post pics soon...
  3. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    LOL. Looks like you got somethin' planned :) Post pics when ya can.
  4. theFranchise

    theFranchise Well-Known Member

    go to my car domain to check it out. the pictures were taken before my new wheels, rotors, and tein springs.

    comment, rate, and friend me if you are all on cardomain. thanks.