Need help with Insurance!

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by nanonyc, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. nanonyc

    nanonyc Well-Known Member

    okay guys...... as you all know I was in an "accident"

    this happened on the second of august... today was actually the day I got to speak to the person to whom my case was refered to for the other guy insurance company.

    now this happened... I didnt trust the shop where my car was at first and took my busisness else where.. they charge me 341.30 for parking from the 2 to the 8... 45 per day plus tax... know the insurance company does not want to re-imburse me the money I paid saying that its not their fault I took the car out to another shop... and that they are not liable for that bill...

    my questions are:

    what exctly is the insurance liable for? car damage? value of the car going doing? days of me without a car? what else is the insurance liable for??? I
    really need your help here guys... I greatly apreciate it..

    one more thing... how should i proceed with it... ?? or what should be my next step?

    I forgot to mention that last week on thursday the insurance company actually went to the shop and took pictures of the car and did not informed me about it.... I found out because the shop told me on friday because I called them...