ok so i know that its not realy worth it but im getting the K&n air filter till i can affford the turbo...next summerish so im not to woried about back pressure. "ps i have a ww lancer SE debadged its the GTS's body on a es car..." but for now i dont have a muffler on i t at all cuz my cunt of an ex backed into a side walk and punctured it...thats her story....and she just moved to thailand or sum crap for 2 years to teach lil kids how to read or some bs...anyways...so wehn i took it off axle back i found that i liked the sound better so i left it as is for now but i have been thinking about doing a dual exhoust nothing major just dual from axle back prolly 2.5 or 3 inch pipeing with some tips maybe see if i can get another one of our stock tips. my plan is to cut out the bumper and put a cf heat sheild on it just so it has a clean finished look...prolly going to rivet it on give it a bit more agressive look....if anyone wants to photoshop this that would be amazing cuz well im as good at photoshop as my ex was in bed :twisted: lolz
In my opinion; It's a good thing you broke up with her. She busted your car and sucked in bed. Two damned good reasons to move up and out.
lol totaly the best move, plus i cheated on her with her older sister...now i dont have to tell her lolz.....we had only been dating for like 2 months not even still anything i should be carefull of....and im guesing 200 plus another oem tip
lol... and well, can't give an opinion coz i don't like it if its TOO loud... though the dual pipe, carbon and rivets sounds Hawt to me.
sweet...actualy its not that loud cuz it still has 3 cats on it as it is one off the manifold on after the front axle one just before the back axle and it had one in the mufler but well thats gone
Well. Let me give you this, Before you cut your bumper: look into getting a rear lip with diffuser. I know I saw one that was designed for two exaust tips. Contact Riccoo on these forums. He may be able to work out a deal with you. That'll give it a nice clean look. If you're trying not to spend a bunch of money. Your local exhaust garage will probably have a bunch of tips for you to choose from. I've heard of a few guys that went in for the axle-back pipe + tip (aka Works Exhaust style) and that ran them about $90. So with that said. you may be able to get a rear lip with diffuser for around $300 and the exhaust for another $200.
i definitly like the look of the lip with diffuser but ..500 bones ..dont have that right now and if i was spending that it would be on cai lol this should run me about 200 to 230 for dual exhoust plus tip. and then 60 bucks for the two cf heatshields. and 5 bucks for rivets lol so i should be at 300 dollars total maybe even 130 for the exhoust depends on my wheel and deal skills lolz
Or just be patient and save up more =P Never anything wrong with taking your time and doing it right.
something similar to this would be sweeet!!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Dual...008QQitemZ180241082763QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
that would be sic!! maybe i can build that but just axle back wonder what it would do.. hmm.... any other opinions on my set up ...and this one??