This past weekend it rained a bit, and today it was pretty sunny and I was workin on my car and noticed a whole bunch of water all in my trunk. I have some rags sitting just in the back loose and they were soaked. Theres water all where the spare tire is and the carpeting above is soaked. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or if they've had a similar problem. I think its comming from above becasue tgere was so much water above and not below (thought it did get to the spare tire) Any suggestions are appreciated. Toner
eeehhh...this is a tricky one. I think there is a rubber sealant going around the trunk. Check that for holes. And yes as stated above check for rust anywhere around the top of your trunk. Other than that i'd have to be there to physically help ya.
Theres no rust from what I can tell but Ill check the sealant. I think im going to go to a Coin wash and sit in the trunk with a high power flashlight and have my girlfriend blast it with water for 10 mins. I should find it then lol.
better yet jus fold the seats down n turn a lil bit easier than cramming into the
Lol yeah i was gonna just fold the seats down and Lay down so i get a good look lol I wont me lockin myself it. Tbh i dont trust my GF to let me out ahaha
HA! fixed it today. The busing that seals the trunk from the tail light compartment was popped out and water was gushing in. Its the bushing that the wires run through to get to the back of the tail light. Popped it in and it doesnt seem to be leaking but Ill find out next time it rains. lawl
Unplug your light and remove it for a day (peferably a hot day) and just let everything sit on the side, just to make sure no electric work was messed up. And do a safety check first. Check to make sure you lights works on the second setting and make sure your break and reverse work. It may take 2 ppl. It just took me a long ruler and my driver side chair. I had to do it once with a short sword.
oh teh light was still sealed, it was just the rubber peice from the compartment that the light sits in and water runs around, and the trunk....Its hard to discribe btu the electrical and light fixture were all still sealed lol. But thanks for the info Ill know to do that if my light ever messes up or I needs to check the electrical.