Launching our 4b11?? 5speed

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Performance' started by FinestGTS, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. FinestGTS

    FinestGTS Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, for us with the 5speed. What are good tips on launching our cars.

    I just went to my old job on this straight away by the docks and tried praticing but god am i horrible :).

    I need some tips before i go and spend money at the track to imbarrase my self with some horrible launches :(.

    Thanks :)
  2. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    3k. anymore, all that torque :D you will get mad wheel hop. But I havent done it on the strip in my 08 and this was done in a parking lot, during the day. Thats my experience with that. 5speed FTMFW :twisted:
  3. FinestGTS

    FinestGTS Well-Known Member

    you you rev to 3k and leave it there and slip the clutch?
  4. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    /\ "POP" the clutch and gas, it catches real good like that.
  5. FinestGTS

    FinestGTS Well-Known Member

    u mean u drop it? if not was is popping the clucth?

    widh i could get some first hand training lol
  6. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    "POP", "DROP" are the same thing. Good luck
  7. FinestGTS

    FinestGTS Well-Known Member

    when i drop, i get way to much wheel hop even at about 2.5k and it just blows :(
  8. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    I get that at 4k.
  9. FinestGTS

    FinestGTS Well-Known Member

    what i did today that i got some success out of was :

    I rev it to about 2.5k to 3k and i slipped the clutch a lil for teh car to start movin pulled teh ebrake a tad to whole teh car then let go of hand brake and wot and my baby was OUT! lol
  10. Fokado

    Fokado Member

    Rev to the point at which you get the most torque (look at a bunch of 5 speed dynos) and dump the clutch, easy.
  11. FinestGTS

    FinestGTS Well-Known Member

    my experience so far is dumpin the clutch is a big no go.

    I way rather slip.

    Thanks for the comments guys
  12. Redline1

    Redline1 Well-Known Member

    any one have any hints for a cvt
  13. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    i got 5 speed 3k has been working for me ill do a video for u tomorrow if it doesnt snow or rain
  14. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    YUP get a 5speed
  15. evoracer

    evoracer Well-Known Member

    ^ agreed
  16. Redline1

    Redline1 Well-Known Member

    yea i wish is it possible to take a 5 speed trani out of a totaled lancer and swap mine out
  17. AntonygTs

    AntonygTs Well-Known Member

    slippin the cluth at that rpm wears your clutch down alot i wouldnt reccomend doin that
  18. Fokado

    Fokado Member

    Push the brake down as far as you can, then press all the way down on the gas, this will activate the torque converter allowing you to create torque in much the same way revving the engine in a 5spd would, then just let off the brake when you're ready to go. Also, don't do this for more than a second or two or you can overheat your tranny fluid, causing complications. Other than that its not really that bad for your car (better than neutral dropping by 1000x), your torque converter won't last as long but don't expect any huge problems.
  19. Fokado

    Fokado Member

    Slipping the clutch while revving the engine just further damages your clutch, very bad idea. Trust me, dumping is the only way to go, just practice and you'll get the hang of it.
  20. lancermike

    lancermike Well-Known Member

    wait whats this about dumping and slipping sorry this isnt mike its his friend and i just wanna know