Joke of the day!!!

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Guest, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    So 3 ducks got arrested by the police and had to go to court.
    The first duck came was questioned.
    Judge: What's your name?
    Duck: Quack
    Judge: What were you arrested for?
    Duck: I was blowing bubbles in the pond.
    Judge: Okay that's understandable we don't want foam in our pond. Lock him up boys.

    Second Duck:
    Judge: What's your name?
    Duck: Quack Quack
    Judge: What were you arrested for?
    Duck: I was blowing bubbles in the pond.
    Judge: Well you know the deal, lock him up.

    Judge: Lemme guess your name is Quack Quack Quack...
    Duck: No, Judge my name is Bubbles
  2. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member


    3 roosters on a fence.
    2 roosters are normal and the 3rd rooster is gay
    The first rooster is ready to wake the people up-cockadoodle doo!!!
    The second rooster does the same thing-cockadoodle doo!!!
    The gay roosters goes- any cockwilldooooo!!!

    uh, thank you!!! :lol: