Jiffylube is gay

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by westcoast, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. westcoast

    westcoast Well-Known Member

    So I took my car in for its first oil filter lube at jiffy lube and I get it back. So I'm driving to work, and as I'm pulling out, I hit 4k rpm and my cars just freaks, wont go past 4k rpm at all does that thing similiar to hitting redline where it kind of kicks you off. I get to work, and im like wtf, racking my brain for what could possible be wrong. During work I go outside start her up and finally open the hood (im sure your saying "your an idiot for not checking earlier"...which I agree). And what do I see? My MAF sensor is off the intake...Plug it back in and everything is back to normal. Never going to jiffylube again.
  2. mezzedupdream

    mezzedupdream Well-Known Member

    Sucks. Why would you even go there. They have the reputation of messing up stuff so they can "fix it." Your car is new, take it to the dealer.
  3. AeJarrotto

    AeJarrotto Well-Known Member

    lol, that sucks, at least it wasn't like your drain plug or filter...... :lol:
  4. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    If you brought it in for its first oil change, why would the maf sensor be off the intake?!?!?! but then again, you did take it jiffy lube.
  5. AeJarrotto

    AeJarrotto Well-Known Member

    we had to remove that electrical cord, so the blinker fluid pump wont squirt us in the eye to reach the filter.... or they did not want to get electrocuted when changing the oil. :twisted:
  6. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    LOL...f*cking 'tards!!

    They must of thought that is the reservoir to fill it with vtec sauce
  7. AeJarrotto

    AeJarrotto Well-Known Member

    haha vtec biatches.