It's cold

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by JDMhammer, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    Too cold.


    What is it where u are?
  2. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Last night I think it got down to the 20s, but during the day right now it's 47.
  3. mitsuG

    mitsuG Well-Known Member

    wow thats rididculous. in south tx its like 60 during the day and gets to like 40 or 30 at night but never below freezing. how do yall function? lol
  4. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    lol by staying inside... here in connecticut we have all the weather.... 0 - 100 lol
  5. mitsuG

    mitsuG Well-Known Member

    dude that sux. at least yall have snow to play with lol
  6. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    I have none :(
  7. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    So, it wasn't as cold today as Weatherbug said it would be. Stupid Weatherbug.
  8. timschoeliertm

    timschoeliertm Well-Known Member

    yesterday had a high of 11, theres snow here, not much though. we are suppose to get a major snow storm tomorrow though
  9. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    ^ That sucks.
  10. timschoeliertm

    timschoeliertm Well-Known Member

    i know, tomorrows my last day of school for the semester, im hoping for a snow day
  11. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    Weatherbug says it's going to be 50 today and 23 tonight. I don't trust it anymore. Lol.
  12. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    Same here and right now its 35 and pouring rain... wtf
  13. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    It wasn't too cold, but the wind is what killed me.
  14. davidlanceres

    davidlanceres Well-Known Member

    it's currently 11.1 here...the wind is killer though!
  15. timschoeliertm

    timschoeliertm Well-Known Member

    yesterday was like 40 all day, but it rained all day as well, wicked stupid
  16. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    The high today is 47. Bah, fml. I hate winter.
  17. mitsuG

    mitsuG Well-Known Member

    its 58 right now but the high today is suppose to be 74 and the low is 45. Tx weather is ridiculous
  18. 1slowlance

    1slowlance Well-Known Member

    I'm already tired of this stupid cold. 42 right now supposedly.
  19. Jogenmaru

    Jogenmaru Well-Known Member

    27 degrees right now. With the wind chill its 13 degrees. High of 27 low of 18. This is Suffok, Virginia.
  20. davidlanceres

    davidlanceres Well-Known Member

    Who's ready for spring already? I hate the cold..