It feels Good

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by WillieetheOne, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. WillieetheOne

    WillieetheOne Well-Known Member

    HEY GUYS!!! Well back in again and its all good. I just have to say the last round at the ship boardings was perhaps the best. All i can say is we gave it to the terrosist bastards twice. One was a booze cruise worth several million. But the best was the dope bust well over 100 million dollars. It just a small part but the way i look at it it stops the AHOLES from building the IED's or buying more bullets and rockets. For a few days anyway. I hope to catch more before i get back I hope everyone has been good really miss the chat and hope the site stays strong.
  2. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    at least you are safe willie!! good to hear from ya!!!
  3. Dukekid0987

    Dukekid0987 Well-Known Member

    good to hear from ya :wink: keep it up