Is the Lancer a "Chick" Car

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Coop, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. Coop

    Coop Member

    my friend keeps telling me its a "chick" car and i just wanted to get everyones opinion
  2. EpiiCk

    EpiiCk Well-Known Member

    HELL NO! its a CHICK MAGNET car. maybe you miss the Magnet part
  3. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    LMFAO, now thats funny...the new 4th gen eclipse is a chicks car, the tC is a chicks car...I dont think the 08 is, although a few of girls gave me compliments on it and think its the new X. How can you disagree or argue with "tiggos" in your face :D
  4. Automoglow

    Automoglow Well-Known Member

    hmmmmm NO! Hes probably jealous his sh!t ain't nice
  5. 5speedracer

    5speedracer Active Member

    Are you kidding....Chick Magnet, thats exactly right!!!
  6. EpiiCk

    EpiiCk Well-Known Member

    thats what im saying playa!

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    hahahah i agree, although i have met a hottie tonight on the strip, who lives 4 hours from my house :cry: :cry: . got her number, she did get a es with a sun roof and sound package! after she test drove my gts with my custom subs, she wanted to give me hers for my car....but yes we did exchange numbers and are texting each other ever since 8pm hahahahha hopefully i go visit her soon... :lol:
  8. ViperF16

    ViperF16 Well-Known Member

    what classifys any car as a 'chick' car
  9. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    A recent VW Beetle is a chick car.
    A VW Jetta is a chick car.
    A Honda civic is an asian chick car.

    ...just to name a few :lol:
  10. jRox

    jRox Well-Known Member

  11. ViperF16

    ViperF16 Well-Known Member

    i'm not sure any car is a chick car .... if your lik me, you can pull off anything :lol:
  12. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Spoken like a true pimp :D

    I think you can also add to the list : toyota celica and the new vw rabbit
  13. Sp4rt4n

    Sp4rt4n Well-Known Member

    amen to that brotha. I am a married man, with a HOTT wife, but this car gets a LOT of looks and complements from the opposite sex.
  14. Malakei

    Malakei Well-Known Member

    too big

    This car is too big and mean looking to be a chick car. I think the ultimate definition of a chick car is a Mazda Mx3 pecidia!

    Chick cars, IMO are cars with overzealous features that have that bubbly space pod feel. Cough Civic Cough. Straight hard lines with power is a dudes ride, prelude, muscle cars, evos, skyline, stuff like that. Dont get me wrong theres girls out there making those cars look like chick cars cuz they paint them baby blue and pink and ruin them, but underneath they arent girls toys.

    Another classic chick car is the VW beetle with the daisy steering wheel. Like come on! Whoever though of that idea is fired from VW by now i hope.

    When it comes down to it...

    "There are two things that seperate the men from the boys. That's the size of their paycheck and the price of their toys"

  15. LancerGTS

    LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    haha AMEN 8)
  16. Malakei

    Malakei Well-Known Member

    lol thought you might like that :p
    the saying also works with the size and price reversed :p
  17. vash_241987

    vash_241987 Well-Known Member

    any of the scions should be considered a chick car... TC the most. I think chicks go for the car thats small and "cute", somthing that holds all their friends and makeup :roll: ....oh and they have to have a convertiable or sunroof.... :lol:
  18. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    The tC is the new civic so hence a chick car as stated previously.
  19. dsf3g

    dsf3g Well-Known Member

    Never heard about the Lancer being a "chick" car. But anyway, that's a dumb moniker anyway. Take the Mazda Miata. It's always being accused of being a "chick" car or a "gay" car. But (1) It's one of the most purebred sportscars you can buy. (2) it's probably the most seriously and extensively raced car in existence. The best amateur race car drivers in the world race in Spec Miata.

    Personally, I just think of Lancer as an extraordinary value.
  20. JayGTS88

    JayGTS88 Well-Known Member

    i do agree is a chick car dunno why but alot of chick want to ride in it :lol: