If you knew this already, please dont bash me, i just figured this out. THIS IS FOR RALLIART, GTS, ES, DE, EVO X ( if you own a ES, DE please check for plug first ) So if you guys are wondering how i got it done, here is how. it was stressfull and simple as plug and play. First when chris sold me the OEM sirius module from his 08 lancer, it did not come with a antenna or a plug/harness.. after calling to mitsubishiparts.net and mitsubishi dealers, they told me they dont make the harnesses for that sirius module, i started to scratch my head, may be the car have to be pre wired for it. So i took out my navigation and looked for the plug there behind it. and nothing.. I called the dealer again and they told me the same thing that they dont make the harnesses for the sirius module.. So after asking the forum community for help, with no results of a part number, i decided to look behind the glove box and TADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the plug for the sirius module is there.. So lets make something clear.. If you want sirius radio and your lancer DID NOT come with it. here is what you will need.... 1. A sirius radio module made for the lancers or outlanders 2. ANY sirius radio antenna (Again if your car did not come with a sirius radio you are probably missing a longer base for your roof antenna, NO WORRIES, just use any SIRIUS radio antenna for the module) 3. either a navigation unit or regular headunit ( OEM ONLY ) 4. A friend that is willing to sell his module to you, --ask these guys who have sirius but upgraded their OEM headunits to aftermarket-- therefore if they did, they have no use for the sirius module because it only works with OEM headunits as its a CANBUS system. 5. 20 minutes to install NOTE*** you may have to call sirius and activate the module, mine was still activated, when my will expire i will have to pay 12.00 a month or so. Right behind the glove box look for a white plug, it will be on the right side **NOTE mine is already plugged in to the module ** SIRIUS RADIO MODULE
lol sorry man i thought u knew that lol you the head guy over the lancers and u didnt know that tisk tisk