Illinois governor arrested in corruption scandal

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by RedGalant2k1, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Below quoted from C3G:

    Interesting that everyone around Obama (when he was senator) is going down for some sort of criminal activity. Just kind of funny...
  2. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Oh god, please dont tie this to Obama. I neither support nor go against him, but seriously this has nothing to do with him. Just cause 20 people have raced and died in crashes on highways automatically means that the state troopers have something to do with it? And for Gods sake, dont try to tie this in with the whole "Birth Certificate" case. The guy won the election. All votes were counted (as opposed to previous elections), he had won by a bloody longshot. And BTW, just because they are AROUND Obama, doesnt necesarily mean he had anything to do with this. I dont see anyone making a connection between Pallin and that Senator from Alaska with 7 idictments.
  3. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Didn't say he was connected, just thought it was interesting is all. And even if Obama is squeaky clean it doesn't mean any of his major supporters are (i.e. the democratic party). And maybe 'extra' votes were counted. Which isn't to abnormal to think considering the fact that ACORN illegally barred people from polling places. AND there were Obama representatives in many hundreds of polling stations in key states that have yet gone unchallenged.
  4. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    I can only assume your a Republican. Do we really wana talk about corruption? You might think Obama is the serpent of satan, but repubicans have NO right to talk about corruption after these past 8 years. Missing ballots. Popular vote thrown to shit. Enron. Haliberton (spell check please).Oh and lets not forget the WMDs and the beautiful rise of gas prices for no reason, what so ever. Look. I said i wasnt a supporter. That doesnt mean i am ignorant to what the past has written. You really think hes that bad? Fine. Republicans had their chance at promoting the worst president in US history (proven). Let the Democrats get a shot. Honestly, i doubt he can do worse. So far, the guy has chosen pretty good people for his immediate cabinet. That much, i respect in the man. He has done past things to really piss me off, mainly why i didnt vote for him either. But right now. I can tell you one thing: whether or not his win was legit or not, it has changed the face the US shows to the world, and for hte good. The Middle-Eastern countries that swear that we are the most corrupt and destructive nation in the world, they are flabbergasted right now. We elected a black man as president, who wants to try an make peace in the world (so he says) [id like to also ad that the beginning of that statement is in no way racist as some people might try to swtich what im saying around]. Our allied countries are startign to see change in this country. And hopefully that will inspire good change for them as well. We can sit here and bitch about how he "cheated his way to the presidency" or bitch about "how he aint even a true American", or we can fucking shut up about everything that is irrelevant and worry about whats most imprtant: our counrty. If he doesnt make this situation better.... im sorry let me rephrase that... If he makes this situation worse, then we know what the deal is. I rephrased myself because our problems rightn ow cannot be solved by the actions of a single man, only when we pull our shit together can we fix all of this.

    I hope i dont offend anyone in my post. I am tied to neither party, nor do i endorse either. When elections are up, i see which candidate is most needed at the time, and vote accordingly.
  5. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Wow, I know you say you don't pick sides, but damn Bush Jr was FAR from the worst president in history. That is reserved for socialists like FDR, and Woodrow Wilson, both notedly democrats, but anyways...

    You seriously think Bush has to assume sole responsibility for errors made? Enron is far from Bush's fault, that is just people succumbing to the addage 'absolute power corrupts, absolutely'. Halliburton (correct spelling) was certainly iffy that they acquired a government contract, but you also have to look at the other side that Halliburton is a powerful company, and they are one of very few (if any others), that could do what was needed on such a small time frame.

    You also forget that ACORN is being investigated in 11 STATES on voter registration fraud. Did you forget that Obama's campaign (for whatever odd reason) gave ACORN $800,000. Did you forget that Obama is well documented on video say he knows Wright and Ayers extremely well, AND during the debates that he doesn't know them that well...just watch the videos. Its quite appalling that he even managed to pry out a presidential nomination.

    As far as Bush? Well, I've made more money every year over the last 8 years. The reality is it depends on the willingness of the people to help themselves. That any democrats (and republicans to a certain extent) have helped people develop a sense of entitlement.

    Gas prices? That is because of OPEC, Chavez (who owns Citgo), and others who are well known to be hostile to the United States. And for some dumb fucking reason we put up with it as a country because why? You think American CEO's are greedy...look at what they now have in places like Dubai.

    I guess you have missed that Many in the middle east have denounced Obama as a traitor to Islam. He during the election campaign had to basically denounce any involvement in Islam or having any relation to those that support radical Islamic or Anti-American groups. Don't worry there is a video.

    No, it is a great message, but at what cost is the message delivered? I'd rather not serve the death of a nation on the prospect of change in a petty and trivial manner as on the color of someone's skin. Those same allies that have purposely destroyed their own countries like Australia and Great Britain, France, and Spain?

    Besides the fact that he really isn't actually a true citizen, which is proved based upon the laws of the day. He was born to a Kenyan father, and American mother. HOWEVER she was only 18. She needed to be at least 21, and have lived in the United States until the age of 26 continuously (which she did not) thereby nullifying Obama's effective citizenship. That and he became a naturalized citizen. That in and of itself no matter how great Obama may be disqualifies him from being president. Its really cut and dry, it wasn't the law at the time, and above anyone else the President should be following the laws of the land including especially The Constitution.

    Actually I dislike the Republican party also. I wasn't at all impressed with McCain or Palin. I was less impressed with Obama and Biden. I quite prefer the Constitionalist party.

    I'm not offended, but damn think for yourself, don't be influenced by the media bullshit or ignorant friends...
  6. BlueDevilLancer

    BlueDevilLancer Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to get too involved but I will say that there is a video of a guy admitting on public news that he voted multiple times under multiple identities. Think about how many times this occured. And ACORN = FAIL.
  7. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    Bush is the worst President ever. We need troops to support efforts around the world and in Iraq. He's the one who downsized the military...oh wait, that was CLINTON. Well, he started making subsidies of subsidies of a major company to falsify accounting statements to make more money...oh wait, that was ENRON! He flew planes into the World Trade Center...oh wait, that was the fuckin TERRORISTS! He forced people into signing bad loans and purposely misinformed people of ARMs...oh wait, that was the BANKS!

    You jackasses. Why don't you do some DD and see how much power a president really has. Also, how long does fiscal policy take to become effective? About 8 years. Who was president before Bush??? A lot of the economic fuck-ups is due to the great leadership of Bill Clinton which now people are coming to understand that he wasn't that great.

    I like Obama, i really do. I do not, however, like his politics. I also wish him the best because he's going to need it and i will stand behind him because I'm an American damnit.

    So for all you Bush bashers...go fuck yourself...
  8. Dabrits

    Dabrits Well-Known Member

    All I really care about (and you will probably all think I'm selfish) is who will take better care of the military. It is usually (but not always) Republicans. I'm not a member of any party, but let's face it, with a wife and a kid on the way, I'm just looking out for #1 at this point. And my #1 is my family. How do I look out for #1? Make money. How do I make money? Serve my country. So of course I'm primarily going to support the people who will help me look out for my #1. If those poor people want to get a job so bad, go join the Army. Let's face it, there are jobs that are willing to pay. You can't beat military benefits, you just can't. Anyway, that was a little OT, but oh well.
  9. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    The military is great. I know a lot of great people, and none who've served have ever had anything bad to say about it. AND the best thing is people come out with a positive view of people, and great teamwork skills. Not to mention the enlistment bonuses are stellar right now. I got offered $30,000 for a 3yr enlistment.
  10. Dabrits

    Dabrits Well-Known Member

    It really is quite nice. Let's face it, my salary is public knowledge, I make $2,555 a month. That's liveable income. But let's take into account some benefits. They pay me an extra $900 called a housing allowance, $272 which is like a food allowance, $250 for every month I'm separated from my wifey, $150 for a flight incentive pay, and $200 for being proficient in Chinese. Now let's also take into account that money made during a deployment is tax free. I have free medical and dental. My family members have free medical and very cheap dental. My biggest bill is my cell phone bill or car insurance. Plus, think about it, I get paid to fly planes, how much more cool does it get. I don't have to pay any medical bills for my wife to have our kid either. They take care of us pretty dang well.
  11. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

  12. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

  13. Dabrits

    Dabrits Well-Known Member

    As far as I remember Bush accounts for only one branch of the federal gov't. Remind me which party has been controlling the other 2 lately? And have things gotten better or worse?
  14. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    Also...invading Iraq and the WMDs...when have we EVER let a president declare war on his own...I could've sworn that was up to Congress. Want to bitch about invading Iraq and WMDs, look at Congress. Yes Bush was for it, but obviously enough people believed it for us to go in and look for the WMDs.

    AND...we did find some. Not a huge amount but we did find some. AND...wasn't Osama trained by the CIA in the 90's? Who was president then???
  15. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member

    Osama was trained during the Soviet-Afghan war in the early 1980s. It had already begun escalating before Reagan took office though, and was already well under way by the time he caught wind of it and what the CIA had been doing in early 1982-83. That is besides the fact that the Soviets had supported (and still do) North Korea during the Korean War, and the North Vietnamese during Vietnam.

    And yes, Congress signed a legal declaration of war, in fact it is in public record. Mightly funny that the democrats always conveniently forget this fact.

    Enjoy! ----------------> ... ted_States

    The actual Declarations of War (Iraq and Afghanistan)

    Iraq - ... ainst_Iraq

    Afghanistan - ... Terrorists

    Yup, Bush did it all.
  16. Texas Aggie

    Texas Aggie Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the correction...

    I did, however, think that Osama was trained by the CIA. I'll need to find the source though.
  17. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member