I'd like to see some audio installs

Discussion in 'Audio, Security and Electronics' started by nspunkrock, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. nspunkrock

    nspunkrock Member

    So, I've been piecing together an audio system for my lancer. I think I've got everything I want as far as the components (for now... :twisted: ). At the moment though, I have everything temporarily wire tied to the seat in my trunk while I come up with a more permanent solution. I think I have a good idea about what I want to do. I'd just like to see what other people have done. Maybe for inspiration.

    My trunk is a monstrosity at the moment. Help me out a little.

    Also, on the same subject anyone with more experience than me (I'm sure plenty of you). Does the orientation of the subwoofer in my trunk make much difference. Should I aim it forward so it fires toward the seats? Does it make much difference?
  2. HudsonFalcon

    HudsonFalcon Well-Known Member

    There are plenty of unique audio installs done by the members on this site. You just have to search my friend.
  3. nspunkrock

    nspunkrock Member

    I know I've seen a few floating around here. And some excellent ones at that. I was hoping to encourage some new material. Maybe get some people to fire up the digital cameras. I might just have to post some shots of my current mess to invoke pity...
  4. HudsonFalcon

    HudsonFalcon Well-Known Member

    Lol, pics are not only welcomed but encouraged. We'd love to see your current set-up, or lack thereof, and give you some help.
  5. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

  6. nspunkrock

    nspunkrock Member

    Thanks for the pics SoflaGTS. I was thinking something similar to what you did with the amplifiers on either side of the trunk and the subwoofer against the seat. Your install looks like its coming along nicely.

    Here are some pics of my progress so far:






    The door speakers went in nicely... My only gripe was having to cut a hole in my door panel and those damn rubber boots were a PITA to get wires through.

    The trunk is a different story right now and I hate having all that wire and equipment bouncing around in there.
  7. SoflaGTS

    SoflaGTS Well-Known Member

    why is your subwoofer facing you?
    thats improper its need to face the other way because it makes it sound alot better
    i coulod get technical but basically the sound bounces of the rear of your trunk instead of pusing all the air towards you
  8. nspunkrock

    nspunkrock Member

    Well SoflaGTS that answers one of my original questions...appreciate it. I don't think I've heard advice either way. It's also held in with a bungie cord at the moment. :oops:

    I'll take your advice on that one. But, unfortunately it'll have to stay that way until I get those amps to their proper place. Hopefully tomorrow. Working three jobs is a bitch....
  9. nspunkrock

    nspunkrock Member

    alright...I'm going with the amps behind the wheel wells on either side... made a little progress today. Hopefully, i have all of the materials. It's slow-going because I can't put more than a few hours together between jobs. I'll try to post progress pics tomorrow sometime.

    Thank you to SoflaGTS for the inspiration and advice.

    I also picked up some sound insulation foam (FREE!!!...WERD!). I'm gonna throw it in all around the trunk while I'm piecing it back together. If it works out well, I might have to do the whole car... :D