I know someone has tried it...

Discussion in '7G Lancer and older - Performance' started by lancer2quick, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    O.K....in looking into getting rid of my custom exhaust on my R/A. I made this exhaust for pure performance, so I have VERY little backpressure...and this kills fuel mileage. Here"s the thing...I have the opportunity to grab a Greddy TI-C catback system for 200 bucks...but its for an EVO VIII. The thing that im worried about id the clearance at the rear suspension. The ES, OZ, RA all go above the rear suspension...the EVO exhaust goes under. The flanges are exactly the same as I have, so thats not a problem...and its position in the center "hump" is identical. I just want to know if anyone here has tried it, known someone that has tried it....anything. I may still buy it....and modify it to run over the suspension, but I really dont have the time for a project like that right now. Any help would be appreciated...I just want to know before I buy it and never use it.
  2. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    No one? Wow...
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Don't buy it. The Evo's exhaust runs straight back and turns after the gas tank.
    Ours runs through the suspension since our gas tank isn't modified for an AWD. I have the stock Evo exhaust here at home and it will definitely not fit. It will also cost more to modify it than to get a custom cat back made.
  4. lancer2quick

    lancer2quick Well-Known Member

    See people...that's what I wanted. Lol. Thanks OZ...
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No problem man, just here to help a fellow Lancer owner out.