i dont know much about buying/selling

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by delphium_, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    cars but i've been barely hanging in there with payments on my 08 lancer i pay 500 a month

    320 for car and 180 for insurance
    i got a ticket about 3 months ago for an illegal u-turn and i got drivers ed so it got erased but i got pulled over today for a speeding ticket, only 10 miles over the speed limit but it was a stupid mistake..

    since im a "new driver" i know my insurance is going to sky rocket..
    i cant afford much more for insurance and i dont have any other previous records except for this speeding ticket.

    i was wondering what i could possibly get for my 08 es
    its stock and has about 6k miles on it
    i bought it for 16.. 17 out the door.

    its still in good condition..

    any help?

    if i did sell it i would want to get a motorcycle so no trades..
    i put about 3k down for the car already