how was everyones holiday weekend?

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by jacob1bc, May 26, 2009.

  1. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    i hope everyone had a fun and safe weekend. we went to a bbq. man the food was good. i got drunk ( my wife was driving). was with a bunch of friends. so tell everyone what you did over the weekend.
  2. s3th136

    s3th136 Member

    I was stuck with Barracks duty from saturday at 0730 untill Sunday at 0730. After that went fishin and had a cook out.. I cant complain too much
  3. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    had paintball practice
  4. SeRious08

    SeRious08 Well-Known Member

    It was pure crap. I went to play golf on Memorial Day and can you believe the bastards wouldn't give me a military discount??? I came home and wrote the mayor my disapproval.

    "No on should pass an American in uniform without saying “Thank you, we are grateful.†Always mindful that they are prepared to risk all their dreams so that all of us can reach ours.â€Â
    - Secretary of Defense, William Cohen
  5. Mitsuman+03

    Mitsuman+03 Well-Known Member

    Well for monday I cooked a lot ... to be ready for the rest of my work week.
    Friday I worked and saturday i was drunk. A lot... and I broke it off with the girl I was seeing.
    So over all... almost the same as any other weekend!
  6. skullpr

    skullpr Well-Known Member

    mine wassnt that bad except for the fact that thursday night some asshole stole my vortex off my car...other than that ive been busy searching for a job...sux not having a paycheck and if i dont find one soon im afraid i wont be keeping my Lancer for too long... :(

    PS it also sucks that my laptops video card died so right now im using my sisters, this blows!!
  7. Mitsuman+03

    Mitsuman+03 Well-Known Member

    That does suck dude.
    Hope you find a job soon!... Good Luck!
  8. MontrealGTS

    MontrealGTS Well-Known Member

    look into working in a collection agency, thats what i do and its pretty relax job
  9. killerdragonoz

    killerdragonoz Well-Known Member

    worked all day as in 5am to 6:30pm sleep till 12 noon monday
  10. xXBrutalXx

    xXBrutalXx Well-Known Member

    absolutely jack sh!t =[ no fun fun for me
  11. papi2dmamis

    papi2dmamis Well-Known Member

    I worked in my yard all day Saturday, Sunday I start playing the new Terminator Salvation Game, wich I finish Sunday night and I have to work Monday :drunken: :drunken:
  12. BlueDevilLancer

    BlueDevilLancer Well-Known Member

    worked a double friday, worked on satuday, sunday and monday. and damnit again no one respects the cars
  13. JDMFanatik

    JDMFanatik Well-Known Member

    worked all weekend. at least i had double pay on monday which i didn't complain too much about lol.
  14. vik2rius

    vik2rius Well-Known Member

    took the family out to zoo and boy my kid was so happy to see those horses with long necks, really big cats and humping grizzly bears...

    but i had to work monday...of course with that time-&-a half on mind, who am i to complain..