Happy Thanksgiving!

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Prophet, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving! Hope you guys spend lots of time with family!
  2. Dabrits

    Dabrits Well-Known Member

    Happy thanksgiving everyone. I'll be spending my day at IHOP and whatever fine dining establishment that I can find that's open today.
  3. cramm

    cramm Well-Known Member

    Happy thanksgiving to all.. Hope you will enjoy today.. AND DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE :D

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    happy thanksgiving everyone
  5. lordtygr

    lordtygr Well-Known Member

    belated but... i hope everyone HAD a nice thanksgiving. i know i got stuffed. mmm. pecan pies... pumpkin pies...