Halloween pics???

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Wendy, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. Wendy

    Wendy Well-Known Member

    Did any one go to any halloween parties over the weekend :?: Got any pics??There's some other forum, of course not as good as this one, that has a thread like this and it's pretty fun looking at all the pics.

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    yeah i did, i dint take any pics yet, i have another party that i am going to on wednesday so i will take some, My lancer is going with me, the costume i picked out for her is a evo X look... :roll: :roll: :roll: :D hope she likes it...
  3. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    I did but it is NWS, you know i think you all may have to pay for these pics. This party had more a$$ than a toilet seat!!!!!!!!! :twisted:
  4. Wendy

    Wendy Well-Known Member

    here's two of mine.. me with my boyfriend and me with my best friend