Gauge/Radio Color Custimzation

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Bryn1987, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    hey, i'm bringing this subject up again because well, i took apart my brother's car's (Mazda3) Radio and changed all the LEDs on the circuit board through soldering, and it was actually surprisingly easy... i'll be working on the A/C unit, Gauge Cluster, Steering Wheel lighting, and the umm... parking/gear thingy lighting... so just thought i'd throw out that suggestion for anyone that wanted to change the lighting on any of it, here is the thread i used to do it... hopefully it'll open ideas to those of you who want to do it on ur lancer...

    and here is a guide on how to change the coloring on the LCD screen which i will be doing within the next week or so to his car as well...

    yes, i know these are guides to the mazda3, but it can easily be used (as long as u can figure out how to take ur stuff apart) on the lancer to change the coloring...

    have fun, let us know if anyone decides to attempt this :)

    PS: another thing, i remember someone said that they couldn't change the gauge cluster of the lancer because it is colored... but if u look at the mazda3's it's the same exact thing, all they did was simply sand the color off :p
  2. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    *bump*... anyone even read this? lol :)
  3. jacob1bc

    jacob1bc Well-Known Member

    i think this cool but i would be to scared to try it.
  4. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    as i said, i've never ever done ne thing like this before... but after trying it, i can say it is VERY easy to do :-D... and btw, i have pretty shaky hands, so u'd be even better then I was if u have steadier hands... of course, someone still has to figure out how to disassemble the parts... i think someone has already dissasembled the gauge cluster, but idk about the radio