first time in the snow:)

Discussion in 'Video Gallery' started by FF7DarkCloud, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. FF7DarkCloud

    FF7DarkCloud Well-Known Member

    So, basically the first time that I have ever drivin in snow and I dont think I did THAT bad haha, my last go around is where i finally got the hang of it. It was hard just to gain speed cause these cars were DEFINATELY not made for the snow.

    p.s. people in the backround where the guys i work with and my boss actually actually told me to drop everything i was doing to drive in the snow and luckily i had my camera haha, you'll hear his heavy breathing, hes a big time smoker >_<, enjoy
  2. spunx021

    spunx021 Well-Known Member

    looks pretty fun, got winter tires on?? u guys have snow, west coast have lakebeds!!

    JDM FLOW Well-Known Member

    That's one heavy ass breather man. The guy breathing is much louder then your exhaust. Were you driving to just how it feels driving threw the snow?
  4. FF7DarkCloud

    FF7DarkCloud Well-Known Member

    no i dont have winter tires, but after seeing how bad this car is in the snow im definately guna buy some this week. And i was just driving to goof around in the snow to see if i could do doughnuts and stuff.
  5. bizzyd738

    bizzyd738 Active Member

    Nice vid, u got stick right? not CVT. Looked like fun tho, ive wanted to do that wit mine in the snow but my car is still clean from being in the garage so avoiding the snow as much as possible.
  6. jRox

    jRox Well-Known Member

    looked like it was so hard to move. haha
  7. FF7DarkCloud

    FF7DarkCloud Well-Known Member

    nahh i got the cvt, and yeah its definately hard to drive in the snow, all of you be glad that you live in warm placesss