First Date Ideas

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by young_blood, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. young_blood

    young_blood Well-Known Member

    Hey well I'm not sure how asking a bunch of car guys this will go but hey its worth a shot. So I have been talking to this girl from my work for a while and I ran into her at the mall last week and we talked for like an hour then I went over to her house on Thursday and we just watched a movie. So she has to go to some camp :( and i can't go cause I have to stay and work to pay for the stuff I'm about to put on my 09' GTS :D. well I finally asked her on a date and she said yes and I said I would figure it out over this week while she is at camp cause she gets back friday and we are going out on saturday so any ideas? Any input is appreciated?

    We leave in Kansas and are both 18.
  2. young_blood

    young_blood Well-Known Member

    She is always kinda quite and shy.
  3. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    quiet and shy now mabye. i always liked those, there safe. zoo is good, give you topics to talk about cause animals can doo some crazy shit. what animals she likes can say a lot about her. idea #1 now its someone elses turn
  4. young_blood

    young_blood Well-Known Member

    thanks and any help is appreciated. I dont have many ideas other than that and amusement park cause I am always working and then when I'm not working I am working on my car. But its cool cause she is really into cars as well
  5. westcoast

    westcoast Well-Known Member

    I'd say...Mini Golf or typical amusement park, ur together but ur also kind of alone. Gives u enough space from others to make a move and for u guys to get to know each other. Let her almost win ;)
  6. rhyzin

    rhyzin Member

    i dunno if there'd be one by you, but there are these restaurant places where you actually cook the food and the place just supplies the raw food and the stove and stuff. kind of a fun casual first date kinda place.

    concerts and comedy clubs are always good places, too.
  7. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Never date a girl from will back fire on you...if someone is interested in her or you, there will be drama!!!!!!!! (just one example)
  8. young_blood

    young_blood Well-Known Member

    Trust me I know we have been friends for a while and she just started working there. And yeah we have one of those restraunts around here its a Mongolian BBQ or something like that its pretty good. I also thought about going to a go kart track we have around here which is pretty fun because she is also very into cars.
  9. eTXlancer

    eTXlancer Well-Known Member

    fuk yah, karts!
  10. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Well... my idea of a fun date would be an amusement park, go karting, 4wheeling, sea-doing/boating/tubing, movies, dinner some place nice (but not TOO nice) or working on my car.

    I'm not much of a girly girl though so maybe I'm the wrong person to reply to this LOL.
  11. Bryn1987

    Bryn1987 Well-Known Member

    all in one day? 8O
  12. young_blood

    young_blood Well-Known Member

    awh hellz yeah i love sea-dooing my dad owns two and i own one they are so much fun
  13. LuvMyLancer

    LuvMyLancer Well-Known Member

    Oh, I imagine I could probably fit it all into one day! lol
  14. young_blood

    young_blood Well-Known Member

    yeah so turns out we didn't get to do anything accept hang out at the house toda cause of a storm :( oh well i guess.