Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by darklancer, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. darklancer

    darklancer Well-Known Member

    ok so im sorry right now if you read this and start hating and im sorry for how long it is.

    ok so my mom is a MD she has three doctorits and two mastars degrees *yea i missed out on the einstien gene* her and a group of doctors have been suporting and doing research for years on this topic and this is their latest public notification, they have recieved MASIVE critisism for it to the point that one doctor showed up at his clinique and it was being closed becouse a pharmacudical company bought it the day after this was released and decided to kick out the tenants. im not shure what i think of it all yet im still reading threw all their refrences and and studies...which is about two pages of links if anyone is interested they can ask on this forum and i will pm them alll the links, data and proof that they have acumalated...i thought it would be atleast worth knowing that there might the possibility, knowledge is power and well i bet you didnt know this...

    Global Health Freedom
    Protect Health Freedom.

    Fear and Loathing in America
    The following is the text of Dr. Laibow’s regular eAlert eblast for April 21, 2008, while she and Gen. Stubblebine are on the road to meet Codex delegates and attend an important Codex meeting. Due to problems with our communications platform we have to publish the blast here and just send our Mouse Warriors the link. We hope this works to “get the word out…â€Â
    Gen. Stubblebine tells me: “It is vitally important to get the word out. Please, please, open this link, read it and then send it to your entire email list. Nothing short of your ability to make your own choices about your own health is at stake.â€Â
    Ralph Fucetola JD, NSF Trustee
    Receiving the Health Freedom eAlerts? If Not, Click Here http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=187
    Citizens’ Petition Delivered!
    “Stop Vaccine Lies†Natural Solutions
    Foundation Tells FTC
    Vaccine Lies:
    * Vaccines are safe
    * Vaccines are effective
    * Vaccines prevent epidemic diseases
    * Vaccines are protective
    * Vaccines eliminated health scourges
    * Vaccines do not cause autism and other serious diseases
    Vaccine Realities:
    * Vaccines are profitable only when huge numbers of people are vaccinated http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=505
    * Vaccines contain a stew of mercury and other dangerous components, weakening and damaging the immune, nuerological and endocrine systems http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=525 http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=554 http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=583 http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=560
    * Vaccines carry huge risks for everyone who has been vaccinated
    http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=604 http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=577
    * Vaccines’ positive impact on human health is small or absent http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=582
    * Vaccines do not prevent, may actually encourage,epidemics http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=556
    The FDA regularly fails to protect us from dangerous drugs and vaccines because corporate profits, not public safety, determine its policies. Conflict of interest among decision makers and consultants to the FDA are, according to Senator Ted Kennedy, “A fact of life.†Every component of a vaccine is dangerous by itself. Together, they are a public health nightmare of unprecedented magnitude.
    Vaccination is an uninsurable risk. Think about that: the insurance industry (our society’s risk experts) will not insure you, your doctor or the pharmaceutical industry against the risks of vaccination.
    If you (or your children) are facing vaccination, be afraid. Be very afraid. If you speak the truth to your neighbors or pediatricians or politicians or school administrators, etc., be prepared to be loathed and reviled (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=672) by the self-assured “protectors†of the order who will tell you (and everyone who will listen) that you are:
    * Misinformed
    * Malevolent
    * Monstrous
    Forgive them, bless their pointed little heads: a close examination of the data makes their position simply absurd. Deadly, it is true, but nothing short of absurd.
    The vituperative detractors of vaccine truth are not the ones to worry about, unless they have a syringe in their hands and legal power to back up their menace, of course. It’s the State and Federal Governments you should be very, very afraid of.
    Who will protect you?
    Your Doctor?
    Your doctor is not likely to think (http://www.aap.org/advocacy/releases/au ... tfacts.htm) through these issues clearly and realize that vaccines are not only unnecessary (http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/13698.html), but highly toxic (http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/13703.html). In some states, we have learned, doctors are being advised to refuse care to families where parents choose not to vaccinate their children. Despite the known risks, healthy adults are being targeted for vaccination because they represent a fertile market and new vaccines for everything from hypertension to smoking are in the pipeline.
    Your Government?
    Your State and local agencies are heavily invested in pharmaceutical stocks (http://cafr1.com/), according to their Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs) (http://www.rense.com/general74/whatr.htm), so that they need you to take as many drugs and vaccines as possible since their financial solvency depends upon it.
    Your Constitution!
    Citizens Petition to FTC
    While the US Constitution may be just a tattered remnant in some quarters, the Natural Solutions Foundation remembers it well. So well, in fact, that we are using it to help protect you from the lies of vaccine manufacturers! Our creative strategy means that your constitutional right to seek redress of grievances by Petitioning the Government may protect you and your children from vaccinations! Now THAT would be a Natural Solution!
    Here’s how a Citizens Petition can protect your health by protecting your health freedom: the First Amendment (http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution ... ights.html) gives you the right to seek redress of grievances by petition. From that, the process of filing a Citizens Petition is granted. This form of petition is a legal challenge to the US Government to change what it is doing in the way that you seek. The Natural Solutions Foundation has filed a Citizens Petition (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=507) with the Federal Trade Commission demanding emergency relief from the dangerous, and potentially lethal, false and misleading advertising of the Vaccine industry.
    The Vaccine industry sells jabs for more and more conditions and diseases to more and more people, whether or not there is a risk associated with the disease to that person or there is a risk associated with the vaccine. It does so through skillful, and inaccurate, advertising and media manipulation. The goal is to sell more, in whatever context, at whatever personal expense.
    For example, on November 20, 2007, the Philadelphia Inquirer, in a story called “Start your engine, roll up your sleeve†about a drive-through flu vaccination program tested at a firehouse in Montgomery County, PA reported that 238 vaccinations were administered in four hours. [Screening? Clinical need or personal vulnerabilities? Hardly! - REL]
    The county health director describes the test program as a success, pointing to its potential benefit in the event of an outbreak or pandemic. (In addition to being fairly quick, keeping vaccinees in their cars has the added benefit of limiting person-to-person contact at vaccination centers, a potentially serious problem during a pandemic.) The report went on to say that the county plans to increase the number of drive-through clinics in 2007.
    VaccineEthics.org, http://blog.vaccineethics.org/2006_11_01_archive.html
    Falsely touting vaccines as safe, necessary and effective, presenting diseases as more dangerous than they are, and cherry picking (or producing) phony science made to appear vastly more supportive of their use than the data warrants, industry and agencies like the CDC and FDA create a market through false and misleading advertising. That’s where the FTC comes in.
    According to the FTC website (http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/index.shtml), the Commission describes itself this way:
    “The Federal Trade Commission is the nation’s consumer protection agency. The FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection works For The Consumer to prevent fraud, deception, and unfair business practices in the marketplace. The Bureau:
    * Enhances consumer confidence by enforcing federal laws that protect consumers
    * Empowers consumers with free information to help them exercise their rights and spot and avoid fraud and deception
    * Wants to hear from consumers who want to get information or file a complaint about fraud or identity theftâ€Â
    Well, vaccines are advertised, we believe, through fraud and deception. We are therefore filing a complaint and, because of the extreme dangers associated with vaccines, asking for emergency relief and public hearings on this issue. Because of the extraordinarily high stakes involved, we are asking for an immediate moratorium on ALL vaccine advertising and other communications which support the use or sale of these medicinals which we believe are both dangerous and ineffective.
    A Citizens Petition is a legal challenge to the activities of the US Government and, once submitted, requires a Document Number. Our Petition, which you can read here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=507) was submitted with electronic tracking capacity. The tracking number showed that it had been delivered. According to the FTC folks, though, when we called for our Document number, their was no record of our Petition. So we resubmitted it with another tracking number. It was lost again. Poof! Vanished without a trace! So we resubmitted it after making friends with the folks in the mail room who told us that they had never seen this happen before! We wrote to our Congressmen and asked for help. We resubmitted the Petition again (with Congressional support and required receiver’s signature this time) and it finally “arrived†(http://vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot.com/).
    Petition to FTC Filed…
    The Petition has been assigned Miscellaneous Matter Number P002501. We cannot tell you where to email your comments yet because the FTC does not know what to do with our complaint. They are really unsure how to handle it, apparently. Our strategy is that unique and that is excellent. That means that numbers of people in the agency are looking at it and thinking about what to do with it.
    You see, the FTC, unlike the USDA or the FDA, the EPA or the Consumer Protection Agency, regularly takes on Big Business and goes after serious consumer-friendly objectives - and often achieves them! Tobacco, for example. Our first Citizens Petition (to the FDA asking for protection against “HARMonization†of US dietary supplement regulation with the restricitve and potentially deadly provisions of Codex Alimentarius) has been joined by nearly 200,000 people. This one could garner two million joining petitioners!
    We have asked the FTC to assign us a dedicated email address to make it possible for you to share your comments easily. They have not done so yet but we anticipate that they will.
    You may remember the FDA CAM Guidance which threatened to turn every substance or object used with a health intent not already approved by the FDA into an untested drug or device. The Natural Solutions Foundation had the only working email address so that you could submit your comments and, despite constant attacks on our site, 588,000+ people tried to use it to tell the FDA in no uncertain terms to back off. “Only†198,000+ of them succeeded. That Guidance has never been finalized.
    We Need Your Help
    Here’s your part: Once we have a Permanent Document Number (that is, once they finish passing around this very hot potato and it finally lands on someone’s desk who has to deal with it), we’ll ask you to send emails by the millions (because it will take at least that to bring this action to fruition).
    Right now, however, we need your sleuthing. We need you to email or snail mail us advertising and/or professional propaganda which you have seen in magazines, on the internet, in journals, anywhere. Expalin how the ad mislead you. If it is electronic (or can easily be scanned), send it to Ralph Fucetola, the principal author of the Citizens Petition, at ralph.fucetola@usa.net with “Vaccine Ad†in the subject line. If the material you want to share with us is not electronic, please email Ralph about your examples of vaccine advertising or articles, coupons for use, etc., and he’ll respond with an address for mailing.
    We will submit representative emails and materials directly to the FTC to help the agency understand how false and misleading vaccine advertisements harm the public. We need to get some of this information to them BEFORE they decide whether or not to take on this important public issue.
    Oh, yes, one more important action you can take: please ask everyone you know to sign up for the Health Freedom eAlerts (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=187). This free alert from the Natural Solutions Foundation (http://www.HealthFreedomUSA.org) will keep you informed, support your health freedom advocacy and give you effective ways to change the outcome of the struggle for your health freedom! When we get our Document Number, we are going to need millions, not our customary hundreds of thousands, of voice to get the FDA to take this on.
    Building the list informs people AND it helps us widen our circle of influence. Right now we are arguably the largest health freedom organization. That’s nice. We need more voices to sing this song: “Sing it loud, Sing it clear….â€Â
    Our novel strategy of using the FTC to protect us from the dangerous and pervasive distortions and lies of the Vaccine industry is a first. it’s what you can expect from the Natural Solutions Foundation. After all, we are much more than just talk!
    Monthly Sustaining Member
    Monthly Sustaining Members can set up a monthly tax exempt donation (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189) which is very helpful to us. Don’t forget that your support is what keeps us keeping on. Your tax exempt donations are urgently needed. Please make a generous recurring donation to become a monthly sustaining member today. Our sustaining members are invited to join our special Health Freedom Heroes Forum.
    Featured Health Freedom Film
    The Case Against New Nukes as a Cure for Climate Change (http://www.eon3.net/pages/main.html) with Michael Mariotte is an outstanding and outstandingly important look at an issue which impacts everyone on the planet. Scroll down to find this video. My link to it does not work but this is a must-see film and rather than wait to the next blast, I wanted to get it out to you today. Our collaborators, the Ecological Options Network, have produced a 31 minute film which I highly recommend.
    What Can I Eat?80% of American Food Contains GMO FrankenFood
    Good question. The first answer is, “Grow Your Own As Much As You Can! Buy Organic, Eat Organic!â€Â. The US allows a horrific 10% GMO contamination level in foods certified “Organicâ€Â. Most countries around the world allow either 0.09% or 0.1% GMO contamination before they pull the organic certification. The US, ever the handmaiden of industry, allows fully 10% contamination BUT fruits, vegetables and produce whose UPC (Universal Product Code) number on the little oval sticker begins with “9″ are organic. Those whose code begins with “4″ are pesticide-grown and those with “8″ are genetically modified. Yes, it costs more. How much does cancer cost? Lethal allergies? Auto Immune disease? (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=600) How about infertility (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=563)?
    Anything NOT labeled as organic or “GM Free†can be safely assumed to contain GMO ingredients (or have been fed GMO food, which then gets into us as if we had eaten the foreign protein).
    The second answer is to chow down on Phi Plus, Cranberry Phi and Coco Cherry Phi from Whole Food Farmacy (http://www.gmofree.wholefoodfarmacy.com)! This excellent company makes delicious food from whole, raw, clean and delicious food AND “Gets it†concerning health freedom. They will donate30% of your first purchase to Natural Solutions Foundation , 30% of your second order (if placed within 45 days) and a smaller commission of 6% on all of your subsequent orders. They are eager to help you, help themselves AND help health freedom. Sounds good to me! Their food is delicious and they are definitely not asleep at the health freedom switch. So do yourself a favor and do the Natural Solutions Foundation a favor at the same time!
    We are off to Africa today to meet with Father Godfrey of Songhai Center (http://www.YouTube.com/naturalsolutions) in order to learn how to carry out zero emission, sustainable agriculture for our Santa Clara Project (http://www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org) in Panama! If you want to know more about - or even get involved with - our remarkable Santa Clara Project, click here (http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/NSF-Panama/join).
    Well, we’re off to Africa. Check in on the Health Freedom Blog button (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/) for my daily update - first Africa, then the Codex Committee on Food Labeling (where GMO labeling will be a hot issue!) in Ottawa!
    While we’re away, keep up to date by checking my Codex Blog on the Health Freedom web site and my co-trustee Ralph Fucetola’s Health Freedom Blog . I think you’ll find his recent blog about ‘Co-creating the next wave in health freedom…’ very interesting.
  2. thetaxguy

    thetaxguy Well-Known Member
