custom switching back to tein springs

Discussion in '8G Lancer - Suspension' started by lancered, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    well fellas i got my car even lower for a fraction of the price.the ride is about good as my old v2s.but after a rough ride road trip i got some new springs for a 06 ralliart/oz
    here are the new springs
  2. delphium_

    delphium_ Well-Known Member

    Looks damn sick.
    any close ups of the suspension system?
  3. crypto

    crypto Well-Known Member

    what'd you do?
  4. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    its not like the megan racing ones.its just the stock strut and coilovers,the rear is just the spring,and the front is the spring and the coil.
  5. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    looks good but man that back tire looks nasttyyy as hell hahaha =P yeh i also wanna know what u do to it??!
  6. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    the rear springs seats perfect.i did use the coil for the rear but i had 2 fingers in the i took it out and now its perfect.the front i took the coil and screwed it up till it was in the middle of it coilso it sat flat on the strut and the plate was what the spring sat on,then i didnt use the big top plate for regular springs,took that out and used the rubber piece that goes with the coilovers as the top piece.i can take some more pics tomorrow to show you what i mean. me and a friend rides pretty good
  7. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    dude right before i took the pics of course at night,i was pulling into my GFs work and it was raining pretty hard and it was dark,and i went into this big puddle and it as a pretty deep dip,i heard it bottom out,scared the crap outta me,lol.
  8. kennyjai

    kennyjai Well-Known Member

    hahaha i feel u mann!! i HATE puddles, with the streets so bad here in quebec, we have puddles and holes EVERYWHERE.. and the worst is that all the government does is patch them holes so with winter and time the patching just comes right off suckss big time!!
  9. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    dang that sucks,if everyone wants to know i got these off ebay for an 2000 accord.
  10. crypto

    crypto Well-Known Member

    ebay sleeves?
  11. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

  12. crypto

    crypto Well-Known Member

    very bad idea.

    those springs suck balls. There is a reason why they are so cheap. There are big problems.

    First, those springs themselves aren't very good quality and do not provide proper support, the will most likely start to fail in a few months. Plus because they are generally a universal style fit, the spring rate is waayy off what it should be and it will do a lot of damage to the struts.

    Second. The stock struts aren't meant to be lowered that much.
    If you over lower your stock struts they WILL blow out and need replacing, probably in a few months. With most lowering springs, like Tein or RRM the lowering amount isn't very extreme, enough to look and handle good,
    but not cause any serious risk to the struts. The amount you have lowered is way to much for the stock struts and they die out, and won't be covered under warranty.

    I highly recommend removing them and putting your old springs back on.
  13. grizbone

    grizbone Well-Known Member

    I noticed you have a cavi in the garage.
  14. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    i see what you are saying,the back didnt really lower that much from the V2s.its still the same,the front well i could stick 3 fingers in the gap,now i only have 1 thats like an another inch lower,i could have cut my previous springs but i didnt they say thats justs as bad.with every option we put on our vehicles its gonna void something.
  15. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    thats my friends work in progress.its his garage.
  16. crypto

    crypto Well-Known Member

    I know it's only a couple of inches, but on those crappy springs the struts aren't gonna last long.

    It's your choice of course, however like anyone else would tell you. Putting cheap springs like that on your car is just asking for trouble, and by no means worth it.
  17. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

    i see what your saying man,its all good,i know i took a chance at this and i like the you said some kits suck but some kits are pretty good,iguess ill have to see in a few months then how theyll turn out.
  18. lancered

    lancered Well-Known Member

  19. crypto

    crypto Well-Known Member

    very smart move switching to the teins
  20. krnkimchi702

    krnkimchi702 Well-Known Member

    OOOO u got the sharkfin was that?? where did u buy it??