Composition Render

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by RedStar, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    Well we all have to pay the bills and the way I do it is through Computer Graphics. I work for GPLegacy at the moment. They are a simulation game company that are making mods for games such as RFactor and Live for Speed. If you don't know what they are dont worry about it, donsn't really matter :)

    So anyways, I will get to the point. I modeled the 2f2f Evo a while ago and used it for a couple renders for the company as an advertising object. Here is the render, keep in mind the car is 3D the enviornment is not!

    I would love to model our 08 lancers but currently there are no blueprints :(


    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    looks freakin sweet, yeah when you do some designs of the lancers post them up
  3. LancerGTS

    LancerGTS Well-Known Member

    thats hott man do our lancers ! let us know if you need anything
  4. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    Dude I would love to do our lancers I tried but its very hard to get an accurate model without proper blueprints. I tried downloading the software off this forum and for some weird reason it wouldnt even work. But if anybody here knows or can get their hands on blueprints of the 08 lancer just post em up and I will show you the whole progress of the car modeling.

    An example of what I would need is this.

  5. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    Another Render with the front view. :)

  6. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

    Which program redstar? "thats some artistic shit"
  7. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    The program in the downloads section. It mentioned somthing about blueprints but when i got it it wouldnt work so i just deleted it.
  8. bras_33

    bras_33 Well-Known Member

  9. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    I couldnt find any blueprints for the 08 there.

    I use 3D Studio Max 9 :)
  10. Patrickmann

    Patrickmann Well-Known Member

    That's awesome dude.. I'll see if I can get you some blueprints..
  11. RedStar

    RedStar Well-Known Member

    Thanks man.

    Anyways new render.
