Candle Light Vigil in Memory Of Colin McRae

Discussion in 'RallyCross, AutoCross, Motorsports' started by Rally_Jet, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. Rally_Jet

    Rally_Jet Member

    Dear All,

    In memory of one of our sports greatest heros, we are holding a "candle light" vigil in honor of the noble Colin McRae and son whose lives were tragically taken away on 9/14.

    Please open up your calender on the evening of 9/24 8PM and beyond and show your support. We are opening this to all, but especially would like to see all of us from So. Cal. (at least Orange County).

    The place hasn't been decided yet but we will meeting at our regular TGIF meet in Yorba Linda beginning at 8PM, not 9PM. I would like a rough head count as it would help determine the appropriate place.

    Click the link below for the address.

    Anybody who would like more details to help us organize, please PM me.

    I hope we can start here, and spread these vigils nationwide (on all motorsports forums) to show support of Colin and our love for rally. Please list your name and spread the word.

    Please follow this link for updates. ... ?t=1347900

    Thank you!

  2. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    ill probally show up to this. i love this guy.

    hey john i emailed you a while ago about the fittings for my car. when did you need it?
  3. Rally_Jet

    Rally_Jet Member

    Sorry, it's been so hectic since our server went down and SEMA just around the corner. Please PM me your contact info again so I can put it on record. As for your car, I'll have to see when we have an opening.

    Thanks for your patience,
  4. Rally_Jet

    Rally_Jet Member

    Updates!!! Please check out link on original post.

  5. kinkbmxrydr

    kinkbmxrydr Guest

    1) Meet at TGIF in Yorba Linda at 8PM.
    2) We will divide into groups and will have 1 team captain per group. Please get your team captain's contact number.
    3) Sign in and receive commemorative decal to place on your driver rear window
    4) I will be bringing a limited amount of candles, so if you would like to bring your own or donate a few to the group, it would be greatly appreciated.
    5) A map will be given out for our Memorial Drive. We will leave TGIF at 9:30PM on the dot so please do not be late.
    6) Arrive at our vigil location between 9:45-10:00PM. You will be following your team captain and group only. The location isn't too far from TGIM, but we will be driving the speed limit and obeying all traffic laws.
    7) At the location, we will park and have a moment of silence. Parking will be directed by each team leader.
    8) Candle Lighting and prayers (silent or not)
    9) Turn on head lights and all auxiliary lights and light up the sky (no music of any sort...we are in mourning and also need to respect the locals) This is the time to take your pics & vids.
    10) Disperse at 10:30PM. Drive home safely!

    Some of you will be coming from the Kart Factory so please join us at TGIM asap. I am waiting on Leon's approval to end at the Kart Factory for those of you who want to share stories & videos.

    If possible, we suggest to please dress in black to this event.

    Again....please keep an eye on this post as things may change. Please PM me for any questions or if you want to volunteer to be a team leader or donate candles.

    ^Update, everyone in socal will be here! Rep out for Lancer Tuners