Bought a Motorola Q

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Subawho, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. Subawho

    Subawho Well-Known Member

    And I must say this thing is pretty sweet. I loaded all of my rally videos onto it, and I get unlimited internet usage on it. I got google maps (which is big for me due to my profession) and all sorts of other shit. Its a very good smart phone, and after discounts I got it for $19.99 8)
  2. WildBill

    WildBill Well-Known Member

    Just be careful of the battery life. I work in cell phones/MP3s in Best Buy and we have had some people bring them to us complaining of the battery life going to shit after about 6 months of normal usage for a smartphone. I guess it is somewhat reassuring that you can get replacement and larger cell size batteries for the Q pretty easily. Best Buy even sells the bigger battery.
