Attn: iPhone/itouch users

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by JDMhammer, Jul 16, 2009.

  1. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    A buddy of mine will begin developement of a forum viewing app very soon. I want to see what the demand is out there and if you would be willing to pay for it and what features you want to see in the app soo please respond with the below info.. All feedback is very welcome.

    1. Would you consistantly use this app?

    2. Would you be willing to pay for this app? If so how much?

    3. What features would you like to see aside from login,read,write?

    4. If you have an iPhone/itouch would you be interested in being a tester?

    5. Additional comments or suggestion:
  2. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    Do users really have a problem viewing forums on the iphone? I use my wifes from time to time and do not have much or a problem. Also I have been noticing alot of software supporting mobil browsers. VB has one and hopefully phpbb will follow suit...
  3. JDMhammer

    JDMhammer Well-Known Member

    I don't have any problems with the site on the iPhone it's slow sometimes but with the app I can make it so everything is right there with no need to pinch and zoom and in the program you can browse multiple forums. I'd rather have an app then wait for safari to load it all.

    RALLIART Well-Known Member

    alex i would use it,,, i would pay max hmmmm 3-5 bucks for it... and yeah i wanna be a tester!
  5. BaD2RaSS

    BaD2RaSS Well-Known Member

    Viewing right now perfectly on mine
  6. deesport

    deesport Well-Known Member

    Not a bad Idea, but it is definitely a waste of time.
    You are better off reaching out to the owners of the specific form you are visiting on your phone and asking them if they could install the mobile viewing addon to their forum. I mean, it will definitely help their form, probably get more visitors online more often so I don't see why they wouldn't do it. Most forum scripts have this addon. I know PHPBB, VBUL and IPB have addons for this.

    And it will also save you that 3-5 bucks you'd pay for the app. :x

    Just a thought tho lol.