Any way we can get the old format back?

Discussion in 'Way Out There...' started by Homie, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. Homie

    Homie Well-Known Member

    This new forums kinda sucks....

    You need a username and password to login to the forums?

    I at least enjoyed having the last 10 posts people put up instead of by catagories.
    I used to look at this site from my phone....I don't even bother since they changed it.
  2. RedGalant2k1

    RedGalant2k1 Well-Known Member


    Any concerns feel free to post there. As far as going back its not likely, the current setup is more user friendly on the backend, and its used on DNA Racing's sister site to this one. Its been flawless so far over there, we've been running it for a while now without issues.

    But please voice any concerns that you have in the above listed thread.
  3. Prophet

    Prophet Well-Known Member

    You always needed a username and password to login...

    Other then users missing the last ten posts I haven't heard any other comjplaints. That feature will be worked into the new front end but you guys are not going to get it NOW... I don't have enough hours in the day to give it to you guys NOW...

    I view all my forums with my blackberry and actually prefer phpbb over nuke.

    Old site will not be coming back everyone. For one I deleted the files last week and second phpbb will help us grow for the future. Alot more features, secure, and user friendly.